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(to-be) BD Looking for clan/constant party/friends

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Iam new to server and decided to roll support class because only one box allowed w/o paying.. So Ill roll a support. I decided to go to BD because solo to 40lv is much easier than bishop. I hope there is need for active BD in some party / clan that is willing to take me in. So if you want to pick this old veteran to your clan / party just pm SlutMcHoe and lets have a fun! And ofcourse iam willing to party/rb/anything w/o strings attached.


Some infos about me: iam l2 oldschool veteran and I just love classic 3x rates are not to high and not too low for now. I started today from scratch and since maintenance started I got few moments time to post this message. Iam on lvl 26 Palus knight currently.  Current gear is SoR +0 and moon set. Prolly few days more and iam 40lv. I gotta say that I really love this classic lineage2!!! This game feels like Iam back at home... L2 is easily best MMORPG out there, everybody who claims otherwise is casual or carebear, prolly both. 


mention: 1.5m from hero named sjeks (thank you very much!) and with that money I bought SoR from player shop at giran for 1.2m. Iam still doing just fine with my gear, but Id love to have brigandine top+bottom (or maybe even full set) so all donates are welcome.


See ya guys in-game!



edit: Iam already lvl 35. Its really quick level here.


Edited by lothaun10

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