Kse 1872 Report post Posted September 25, 2015 This server is provided to you on "free to play" basis, so administration will not be giving any guarantee and may refuse to accept/satisfy any claims. Still the administration makes every effort to ensure safe and comfortable game for all players. You may address all your questions/problems related to your game account or server work to the administration.Any of the Rules are not a subject for discussion. 1. Players are not allowed to: 1.1 Use any kind of tool or 3rd party software (l2control, l2walker, l2ranger, l2tower, l2phx, l2net, l2Wx, ACP, hLapex,Uopilot, or any other), which allows to automate the game process or overcome game client restrictions. This as well concerns mouse/keyboard drivers, looped ingame macroses, allowing the character to perform game operations by itself.1.1.1 Be in one party with a player, who uses 3rd party software or loop macro. If such abuser is detected, the full party will be punished.1.2 Interfere or mess with client-server data packet exchange.1.3 Take advantage of the server bugs (including but not limited to geodata flaws. EX: Using BD/SWS/WC/OL/healers from outside of baium room to support the parties inside).1.3.1 By any means cause game critical errors to other players.1.4 Use ingame nicknames/Titles containing offensive/obscene language and nicknames of administration/GMs.1.5 Advertise other game projects, servers or sites, as well as not related to game goods and services, in game chats, nicknames, titles.1.6 Buy, sell, exchange (or try to) ingame goods/adena/accounts/pwlvl/driver services for anything outside of L2Classic.club server (including real money currencies). Any sales/trade announcements on RMT platforms (even without price or with price in Adena, considered as RMT and will be treated accordingly).1.7 Buy, sell, exchange (or try to) game accounts and characters.1.8 Impersonate server Administraiton/GMs or act on behalf of server Administration/GMs.1.9 Insult server Administration or GMs.1.10 Discuss Administration/GMs' actions in game.1.11 Ask the administration to interfere with the game process in order to correct errors, consciously made by players.1.12 Share Private information about any individual (including real names, pictures) 1.13 Any kind of theft.1.14 Deliberately use similar game items textures as well as nicknames to scam other players.1.15 Interfere with the other players’ gameplay, mechanically restricting their access to locations or NPCs. (for example, blocking access to the GC with summons, pets, transformations, etc.).1.16 Use Party Matching system in game for anything not related with party matching.1.17 Violate any of present rules. 2. Players may: 2.1 Post trade messages in trade chat only.2.2 Apply minor modifications to the game client files (as long as it doesn’t interfere with gameplay or give significant advantage to the player).2.3 Ask questions and/or suggest ideas for server improvement.2.4 Give access to their account to other players. BUT by giving your account to anyone, you take on responsibility for everything that may happen to it (scam, ban, password change etc). 3. Players must: 3.1 Report any bug to server Administration/GMs3.2 Write a ticket to support with “Bot Report” title if there is suspicion of third-party software used by another player.3.3 Abide by these rules. 4. Players are encouraged to: 4.1 Play.4.2 Play fair.4.3 Respect other players, Administration and GMs.4.4 Report players violating these rules to Administration/GMs.4.5 Actively participate in project life and development. 5. Prescribed penalties: Punishment is defined by the administrator or GM depending on the gravity of the violation as well as previous penalties of every specific player. Attention! In case of a repeat violation punishment duration doubles(?). Administration retains the right to permanently ban players in special cases. 6. Rules may be changed by Administration at any time without notice. 7. Lack of knowledge of these rules does not free the player from responsibility in any way. * You are automatically agreeing with the Rules during the registration of your game account 8 2 1 Share this post Link to post