
Maheegan clan recruiting

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is recruiting !

Clan lvl 5 ; Clan Skills; Ally ; EU prime

Maheegan clan is a new project by old members - as such, we are looking to fill in our ranks with fresh blood ! We are looking to recruit already formed, collaborative CPs or people that look to join one. We have decided to disallow lone-wolfing in the clan, so every application will be reviewed with the intent to find out if a person is available for and willing to join a CP with EU prime. Worry not, we will help with forming these.

We are a mixed bunch, so no dominating nationality. Clan chat is exclusively English, which helps for a fun and diverse environment. Our prime starts around RB respawn time when we form a clan party.

Currently recruiting CPs and members 68+. Exception made for fast-moving CPs.

Priority recruitment falls on
- BD
- Tanks
- Healers

All applications will be considered however.

If you have any questions or want to chat further, hit us up here or in-game at jun0/Emperior/Mariabronne.

Over and out.


Edited by Piecat
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