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Check The Daggers Please.

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Hello hello all people. I'm testing dagger classes out here and I've found them so unbelievably weak that I think something is dead wrong...
I've been looking for Formulas and stuff maybe we got a russian guy who could translate for a reference please? 



ATM ​ I did testing myself a lot of testing... to be honest. I wanna share finding with you... I was hitting CH NPC at Gludio (So don't know Its exact p.def still)...

Dark Elf 52 LVL (41 STR 34 DEX 32 CON)  [Critical Dmg Passive +177]  I've done 2 tests...

1.  Weapon : Dagger (Starting No gr 5 p.atk 5 m.atk)  [Character p.atk 60]
 Normal Hit - 9 - 10  dmg . Crit = 47-48 dmg

Normal Hit [with ss] 18-20 dmg. Crit [with ss] 65-68 dmg.

Normal critical hit [Vicious stance] = 88-90 dmg. 

Normal critical hit [Vicious stance] +[ss] = 108-109 dmg.


Death Blow 497-525  ; Back Stab 493-525 (critical skill 1015 dmg)

 Death Blow +[ss] 749-800 ; Back Stab +[ss] 744-781 (critical skill 1495 dmg)
  Death Blow [Vicious stance] 747-774 ;   Back Stab [Vicious stance] 751-779  (critical skill 1540 dmg)

    Death Blow [Vicious stance] +[ss] 1005-1054  ; Back Stab [Vicious stance] +[ss] 997-1021

2. Weapon : Crystal Dagger (TopC gr 136 p.atk 83 m.atk)

 Normal hit 57-61. Crit = 135-141

Normal Hit [with ss] = 112-121 dmg. Crit [with ss] 237-253

Normal critical hit [Vicious stance] = 174-180

 Normal critical hit [Vicious stance] +[ss] = 279-291


Death Blow  535-570 ; Back Stab 535-569
 Death Blow + [ss] 831-868 ; Back Stab +[ss] 843-908
 Death Blow [Vicious stance] 795-819 ; Back Stab [Vicious stance] 794-826
  Death Blow [Vicious stance] + [ss] 1096-1150 ; Back Stab [Vicious stance] + [ss] 1106-1166 (critical skill 2245 dmg)

I just don't know why can't kill dark blue monsters x1 with 1 shot of back stab... Is monsters p.def that strong? Or rly daggers used to be that lame?


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In the video he compares all dagger classes...

In the end, best overall class for dagger in classic is TH but he doesnt consider all skills and playstile... 

I cant say for sure how it is in official classic servers, but I am pretty sure daggers are nerfed here... 

Its a trade, I know that nobody likes to be 1 shot, haters are gonna hate, but thats the reward for leveling up a class where u cant hit in a distance, u have low mana pool, low Pdef/Mdef/Resists , zero control skills etc...  

Classic favours a lot mages and archers, there is no reason to nerf dagger classes... 



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A very nice video(s), but it is pre-GoD and the mechanics have changed (the stats part at the very least). The flavours should be similar, but the math won't work.

And like I said in the other thread, monsters are stronger on classic, than they were in old chronicles.

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If you check video this testing is done on Classic... not c1 c2 or Interlude. + I want to know formula rly translated in rich description ;) + Here Abnormal/mental attacks works GoDD like. To be honest  game system is more like Godd chronicle than c1/c2

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If you check video this testing is done on Classic... not c1 c2 or Interlude. + I want to know formula rly translated in rich description ;) + Here Abnormal/mental attacks works GoDD like. To be honest  game system is more like Godd chronicle than c1/c2

​Shouldn't Classic use GoD+ base stats as well?

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Don't know for sure best it would be to read though patch notes and learn even from unannounced ones about  hold/stun/sleep/cancel/poison/fear/paralysis Land rate. 
As far I know In classic CON adds paralysis resistance ;)

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I think that classic uses the last base of GOD, but changed some features... So base stats should work similar to GOD but I am not sure... Anyway, daggers were able to 1 shot green/blue mobs on any chronicle...  It will not make any difference even if it is nerfed, I will continue to use same class anyway, but we should try to have all classes and mobs like official servers...  

That is the purpouse of this server right ? If there is something really strange it would be nice to have it double checked... 

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