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Can`t download game client!

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I`m a new player tryn to start here on this server, but I can`t download the client! Torrent link for client doesn`t start to dl (probably no seeders), google drive client exist but the browser can`t dl it is too big (and is the last one available), and and OVH mirrors don`t longer have the client!!

Can you do something about that? That means not only me can`t join server any new player can`t start to play here ... without l2 client.

I think u should make the torrent work (is easyer and faster to download) at least.

Thank you in advance,

I wait for an reply from an admin, to know when I can start downloading the client.


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Well i managed to download the client from but the torrent didn`t worked for me(i don`t know if there is any issue with the country i`m from Romania). Thanks for uploading again on the client.

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