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focking noobs stop QQ

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Dont QQ about skills that some of them are working like on H5. ITS CLASSIC FEATURE.

Look on official innova classics. There some of skills are working like on H5.

And quess what... Castles are splited on Dark and Lights - GOD features (also Classic)

Its also hard to get karma to 0. Also GOD features - ALSO Classic!

Dont be a pussies!

Lineage 2 classic is not C1 or prelude. Its CLASSIC - mixed with all chronicles. Only locations and monsters are from C1 or so.

About russian language... go on website and check how this quest looks like. To be honest, most of you dont care about quests history, you only want to know where to go. You can also use Tracking and problem solved.


Sorry for bad english


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I am surprised there are so many whiners crying about anything they can. They have been given a free server to play, the admins are communicating with players as much as they can and they still find reasons to cry on forums. A little disappointed in English speaking community.

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I am surprised there are so many whiners crying about anything they can. They have been given a free server to play, the admins are communicating with players as much as they can and they still find reasons to cry on forums. A little disappointed in English speaking community.

​Well said man.. cry babys........

I had a good weekend so far.. made couple of new friends was fun :) ...soon hitting 40! YO!

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I talked alot of shit more then most and so far i am.impressed with response of errors and bugs...yea its not exactly classic but if they keep working and doing fixes it will be a solid server i think. ..and my lags not super bad they just need some geo data fixes and skills and quest far im playing to find bugs to help for launch...biggest is adena drop complaint it dont seem to be accurate but i dont mind it being harder

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me and my friends enjoing the server and we had 2 funny days already. If admins continuing their work like they do it atm im fine with that and i/we will play for sure on live


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I pretty much understand that people are disappointed. This server was announced as fully translated and game-ready. For me it was a big attraction to play like from day 1 and enjoy the same adventures once more.

The truth is however that majority of texts are in monkey language so normal person has no clue what is requested and what are they even supposed to do. Surely there are workarounds, but why would one bother with google translating or trying to find english translations on web.

Official Classic server has been announced just few days ago and i will personally much rather wait few months to play balanced and complete game than to start here and enjoy array of disappointments when skills are not properly balanced and everything is based on some fan-made idea of how things are supposed to be.

This server had an opportunity to become L2 Classic number 1, but instead it will crumble into dust once real L2 Classic is released by Innova.

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And black marketing hits again. All quest are in english once u open them, just click alt+u. So u will translate shit. If u want to w8 for Innova then post shity posts there. And official server is not announced. : "we've started working towards opening the server. As you can imagine, it involves a lot of preparation, discussion, testing and other complicated stuff which we cannot talk about in details. There is still a risk that the project won't be launched if the circumstances are not in our favour." (link)

So u can go and hope they will open it before winter (open it at all), or u can stay here and appreciate admins work.


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I pretty much understand that people are disappointed. This server was announced as fully translated and game-ready. For me it was a big attraction to play like from day 1 and enjoy the same adventures once more.

The truth is however that majority of texts are in monkey language so normal person has no clue what is requested and what are they even supposed to do. Surely there are workarounds, but why would one bother with google translating or trying to find english translations on web.

Official Classic server has been announced just few days ago and i will personally much rather wait few months to play balanced and complete game than to start here and enjoy array of disappointments when skills are not properly balanced and everything is based on some fan-made idea of how things are supposed to be.

This server had an opportunity to become L2 Classic number 1, but instead it will crumble into dust once real L2 Classic is released by Innova.

​Im pretty sure ur never played the first chronicles. it was just normal to find a source for quests/start a quest and so on since the Quest arrow above didnt existed.

Anyways with 3x rates its a longterm play project for veryone so is it that much hard to google a quest 2 min ?

i mean u dont even need to find it by ur self. In the forum there are few topics about databases u can use.

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I pretty much understand that people are disappointed. This server was announced as fully translated and game-ready. For me it was a big attraction to play like from day 1 and enjoy the same adventures once more.

The truth is however that majority of texts are in monkey language so normal person has no clue what is requested and what are they even supposed to do. Surely there are workarounds, but why would one bother with google translating or trying to find english translations on web.

Official Classic server has been announced just few days ago and i will personally much rather wait few months to play balanced and complete game than to start here and enjoy array of disappointments when skills are not properly balanced and everything is based on some fan-made idea of how things are supposed to be.

This server had an opportunity to become L2 Classic number 1, but instead it will crumble into dust once real L2 Classic is released by Innova.

PRESS FUCKING ALT+U WHEN U TAKE QUEST AND EVERYTHING IS IN FUCKING ENGLISH.  also this "monkey" language is way better then english. english is a dummy language thats why its the most common language in the world.

edit: no im not russian and my mother language is not cirliyc .  

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