
Dion x3 Streaming Campaign

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Calculation is here!

cavo - 0 CoL

merenda - 38 CoL

CraftForVodka - Contact Kse via PM on Forum

MIHICTP123 - 38 CoL




  • If during the calculation we can not see your videos because they are hidden or any restrictions are applied, there will be no recalculation after calculation results are posted! You need to make sure your content is available for the check before!
  • Streams, which were not announced in your topic as required are not being counted!
  • AFK time on streams is being removed from overall streams time. And if a single stream has a significant AFK time in it, that stream is not being counted at all! Fishing considered AFK!


To claim CoLs, PM Kse here on forum with your ingame nickname! You do not need to send it to Live chat/Discord as well.

In case you don't see your name in the list or have doubts in calculation numbers, pm me

CoLs will start being delivered on 11.01.2025

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Calculation is here!

KamBa - 22 CoL

merenda - 40 CoL

CraftForVodka - 108 CoL

MIHICTP123 - 78 CoL


Following streamers are being removed from the campaign due to inactivity:




  • If during the calculation we can not see your videos because they are hidden or any restrictions are applied, there will be no recalculation after calculation results are posted! You need to make sure your content is available for the check before!
  • Streams, which were not announced in your topic as required are not being counted!
  • AFK time on streams is being removed from overall streams time. And if a single stream has a significant AFK time in it, that stream is not being counted at all! Fishing considered AFK!


To claim CoLs, PM Kse here on forum with your ingame nickname! You do not need to send it to Live chat/Discord as well.

In case you don't see your name in the list or have doubts in calculation numbers, pm me

CoLs will start being delivered on 22.01.2025

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Calculation is here!

KamBa - 26 CoL

merenda - 18 CoL

CraftForVodka - 70 CoL

MIHICTP123 - 74 CoL

LIFT - 10 CoL



  • If during the calculation we can not see your videos because they are hidden or any restrictions are applied, there will be no recalculation after calculation results are posted! You need to make sure your content is available for the check before!
  • Streams, which were not announced in your topic as required are not being counted!
  • AFK time on streams is being removed from overall streams time. And if a single stream has a significant AFK time in it, that stream is not being counted at all! Fishing considered AFK!


To claim CoLs, PM Kse here on forum with your ingame nickname! You do not need to send it to Live chat/Discord as well.

In case you don't see your name in the list or have doubts in calculation numbers, pm me

CoLs will start being delivered on 29.01.2025

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Calculation is here!

KamBa - 24 CoL

merenda - 36 CoL

CraftForVodka - 60 CoL

MIHICTP123 - 12 CoL

LIFT - 12 CoL

VeGaZ - 8 CoL



  • If during the calculation we can not see your videos because they are hidden or any restrictions are applied, there will be no recalculation after calculation results are posted! You need to make sure your content is available for the check before!
  • Streams, which were not announced in your topic as required are not being counted!
  • AFK time on streams is being removed from overall streams time. And if a single stream has a significant AFK time in it, that stream is not being counted at all! Fishing considered AFK!


To claim CoLs, PM Kse here on forum with your ingame nickname! You do not need to send it to Live chat/Discord as well.

In case you don't see your name in the list or have doubts in calculation numbers, pm me

CoLs will start being delivered on 05.02.2025

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Calculation is here!

KamBa - 24 CoL

merenda - 24 CoL

CraftForVodka - 14 CoL

MIHICTP123 - 48 CoL

LIFT - 0 CoL

VeGaZ - 0 CoL



  • If during the calculation we can not see your videos because they are hidden or any restrictions are applied, there will be no recalculation after calculation results are posted! You need to make sure your content is available for the check before!
  • Streams, which were not announced in your topic as required are not being counted!
  • AFK time on streams is being removed from overall streams time. And if a single stream has a significant AFK time in it, that stream is not being counted at all! Fishing considered AFK!


To claim CoLs, PM Kse here on forum with your ingame nickname! You do not need to send it to Live chat/Discord as well.

In case you don't see your name in the list or have doubts in calculation numbers, pm me

CoLs will start being delivered on 12.02.2025

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Calculation is here!

KamBa - 36 CoL

merenda - 34 CoL

CraftForVodka - 16 CoL

MIHICTP123 - 30 CoL

LIFT - 0 CoL

VeGaZ - 0 CoL

이진언 - 30 CoL


Following streamers are being removed from the campaign due to inactivity:





  • If during the calculation we can not see your videos because they are hidden or any restrictions are applied, there will be no recalculation after calculation results are posted! You need to make sure your content is available for the check before!
  • Streams, which were not announced in your topic as required are not being counted!
  • AFK time on streams is being removed from overall streams time. And if a single stream has a significant AFK time in it, that stream is not being counted at all! Fishing considered AFK!


To claim CoLs, PM Kse here on forum with your ingame nickname! You do not need to send it to Live chat/Discord as well.

In case you don't see your name in the list or have doubts in calculation numbers, pm me

CoLs will start being delivered on 19.02.2025

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Calculation is here!

KamBa - 30 CoL

merenda - 26 CoL

CraftForVodka - 16 CoL

MIHICTP123 - 26 CoL

이진언 - 30 CoL

shinxa6 - 0 CoL



  • If during the calculation we can not see your videos because they are hidden or any restrictions are applied, there will be no recalculation after calculation results are posted! You need to make sure your content is available for the check before!
  • Streams, which were not announced in your topic as required are not being counted!
  • AFK time on streams is being removed from overall streams time. And if a single stream has a significant AFK time in it, that stream is not being counted at all! Fishing considered AFK!


To claim CoLs, PM Kse here on forum with your ingame nickname! You do not need to send it to Live chat/Discord as well.

In case you don't see your name in the list or have doubts in calculation numbers, pm me

CoLs will start being delivered on 27.02.2025

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Calculation is here!

KamBa - 28 CoL

merenda - 38 CoL

CraftForVodka - 6 CoL

MIHICTP123 - 10 CoL

이진언 - 28 CoL

shinxa6 - 0 CoL



Following streamers are being removed from the campaign due to inactivity:




  • If during the calculation we can not see your videos because they are hidden or any restrictions are applied, there will be no recalculation after calculation results are posted! You need to make sure your content is available for the check before!
  • Streams, which were not announced in your topic as required are not being counted!
  • AFK time on streams is being removed from overall streams time. And if a single stream has a significant AFK time in it, that stream is not being counted at all! Fishing considered AFK!


To claim CoLs, PM Kse here on forum with your ingame nickname! You do not need to send it to Live chat/Discord as well.

In case you don't see your name in the list or have doubts in calculation numbers, pm me

CoLs will start being delivered on 06.03.2025

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Calculation is here!


But today it is not going to be a regular calculation!

Streamers, that were with us during last week, will each get:


KamBa - 100 CoL

merenda - 100 CoL

MIHICTP123 - 100 CoL

이진언 - 100 CoL

And will also get 20x Freya's Reward!



To claim rewards, PM Kse here on forum with your ingame nickname! You do not need to send it to Live chat/Discord as well.

In case you don't see your name in the list or have doubts in calculation numbers, pm me

CoLs will start being delivered on 14.03.2025

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