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SA / Soul Crystal

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Hello everyone,

first of all nice job on making the server so lively. But let's just get to the point. Is there Soul Crystals on this server to add special abilities on the weapons?

Thank you in advance for your answer. 


Kind Regards


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Hello Sano,


thank you for the info, i figured it meanwhile but anyway, we are just new to this server so i thought that while i search about it i could make a post also on my own to speed things up a bit.Good job with the server and i got some more questions that you could answer if/when you have enough time. Which is the level limit? Is there subclass and 3rd class? When is gonna be the next major update and what it will be about and also a suggestion in order to reinforce the community of the server. Give information about the numbers of the online. I recommend it strongly as i see all this from the players perspective, Thank you for your time :)

Kind regards,


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atm on version 1.0 level limit is 75 altho theres no possible way to actualy get there since the higher level mobs are level 60/61.

atm there is no third class it will come in a future update.

next major update is planed for march 7th, with it will come some new hunting zones, new skills, new raid bosses, sieges, some changes on drops and some other smaller changes like soulshot usage etc.

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