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Quest Hunt of the black lion

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That quest doesnt work. Quote from l2central: There's a chance that you may get a Lion Claw Lion Claw when you give quest items to the NPC. For each Lion Claw Lion Claw  — 10 pcs. you can get one of the two following rewards.
She dont give reward for 10 Claws.

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working normally for me.


do the items disappear and u dont get reward or just nothing happens?

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Nothing happens, i give quest items, she give me claws, i have 12 claws, try give her items, and nothing happens. Later upload screenshots....

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I did this quest when I was 30+ and this quest should give us cargo box item. With this cargo box we can change for some itens to sell in some npc to get adena.

I was hunting for lizardmans and no cargobox. 

its was before update, for now I dont know if this was fixed.

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