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problem with character

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Hello, first i must apologize for my english........i have problem with my character Orc Mystic (NOW 20lvl). I make this character 4 days i make quest for first class "Orc shaman". When i click on "Character status" i still see class:ORC MISTIC .....i dont have new skills.......i can't write PM to my friend..... WHY?!  When i try to pm to friend or shout i see information "Characters level 15 or below cannot use regular chat ..... (and so on)".   

Owww and intresting fact is when i log in and see the server list the number of characters is 0 on all servers......

I Play on European, character name: Merklin 

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Hello, first i must apologize for my english........i have problem with my character Orc Mystic (NOW 20lvl). I make this character 4 days i make quest for first class "Orc shaman". When i click on "Character status" i still see class:ORC MISTIC .....i dont have new skills.......i can't write PM to my friend..... WHY?!  When i try to pm to friend or shout i see information "Characters level 15 or below cannot use regular chat ..... (and so on)".   

Owww and intresting fact is when i log in and see the server list the number of characters is 0 on all servers......

I Play on European, character name: Merklin 

​Hello. Please contact me at skype: koll.classic.

Your char exist, but it's Orc Mage.

Also you are not Orc Shaman, cause you make quest for class ( quest give you item ), after this you must go to NPC and change your class.

So on char I see mark, just go to NPC and take 1st class.

Edited by Koll

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