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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/09/15 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Hindemith here. I was pretty infamous back then... not 100% sure if I'll continue the legacy or not. Here's a thread from 2006 with a lot of references to me: http://boards.lineage2.com/showthread.php?t=143541 By far, though, my favorite post was this one: http://boards.lineage2.com/showpost.php?p=1952983&postcount=11 That brings back so many memories... and FWIW, Dion/Gludin were the fun areas because high levels would come there to protect n00bs and they'd all get raped, :p. Past that, I did a crapload of griefing in LoA, ToI and high-level catas, but generally only when provoked. Anyone who played on Hindemith anytime from 2004->2008 will know me for sure. I was actually banned in 2006 for reporting an exploit to NCSoft that allowed you to duplicate your character. To fix the dupes, they had to do a reboot of the server, and I was promptly banned for "hacking the database." FWIW, today, 9 years later, the SAME exploit is still possible. They still haven't fixed it. Anyways, little off-topic. Hope the server comes up soon so I can set my legacy (positive or negative) here!
  2. 1 point
    Bartz - in SoC from release till we took the first castle (Dion I think it was, I lost a good 2 weeks worth of EXP in that siege). Kain - to go play with some other friends who joined the game because bartz had become stale PVP wise and SoC members started to quit. Franz - Because EU server and played with BeHappy Back to Bartz to play with some buddies in NoVA, till I quit around Hellbound. Then I just messed around on RvB with Chowder (nig) and Martel till i got completely bored of the game, and never came back till now. Way too many fond memories of this game. I also miss my L2blah post count :<