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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/31/22 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Some problems that should be fixed and suggestions to improve the server. So lets start.. Core/Orfen/Queen Ant, still cannot see in the map with high level chars, i know its already reported and told that will be solved but until now didnt finish.. OWL to 75+, that change in OWL was a great change since there were more rbs 75+, there are only 6 in the game right now, so its completly bad idea, 99.99% of server are 75+ and can take OWL from only 6 rbs wtf.. About this delay on map for any rb 75+, since its a BOSS to be killed in group it should be stronger and with better rewards, also why until now there is no any RB 80????? Could be even announced in the GLOBAL chat any RB/Epic. Core/Orfen/Queen Ant are killed by mages, if u hit with any melee minions come and make a big mess, ok... Everybody knows that melee makes a better damage for any RB, but lets talk about Baium/Zaken, even if u have 4 full parties of good geared mages they dont make any significant damage that we can even compare with melee dmg, i suggest to reduce a LITTLE to at least mages cooperate with damage... Core/Orfen/Queen Ant/Zaken/Baium, The exp gained to kill those FINAL EPICS are completly trash, sorry but there is no another word to use. Lets take as example the last CORE that i did, i took 12kk exp with 55 chars in CC, if i move to GC and kill 10 mobs i will take more exp..... I guess there is nothing else to say.. Shouldnt be something like antharas but should be some balance, if u die 1 time and get BP ress you lose 0.20, you even can recovery this EXP. Priests, should be added already priest Zaken and Antharas also, all priests should be harder, 82 level+, a better chance to drop the jewelery ( instead of 3% make 5% ), better EXP and PVP ZONE. Antharas, right now how it is Antharas its also completly trash also, Antharas should require more ppl to be able to join, lets say minimum 90 ppl ( 10 parties ), we know that some nerf its already expected but its missing some things that can come together with that nerf, for example, PVP ZONE, still dont have it there, bring it for please, its the only epic that dont have, some RESET like baium, if HP dont drop after XX minutes the boss sleep again, its completly insane stay running with RB for DAYS and NOBODY can do nothing to stop that, even with the maintenance if you was inside nothing kick you from there. (Suggestion from FI by DILLON) There has been talk for the past 1.5 years talking about FI talisman and more recently the lilith/anakim runes. There is talk of new content coming as it is already on map and there is the hint of it in Heine, so let's talk about the issues and give some recommendations for changes to development team to allow these upgrades they have put in the game to become obtainable and not forgotten as new content comes out and people do not farm these areas any more. FI Farm time per lvl attempt: 1 hr (lvl1), 2 hr (lvl2), 5 hr (lvl3), 30 hr (lvl4), 44 hr (lvl5), 44 hr (lvl6) New suggested drop rates: Bone – 50%, Tissue – 50%, Shell – 5%, Talon – 15%, Fang – 50%, Claw – 20% (same) Impact to Farm time per lvl attempt: 10min, 1 hr, 2 hr, 8 hr, 15 hr, 15hr Lilith/Anakim: lvl 1 = 1x rune lvl 2 = 2x rune lv 1 lvl 3 = 4x rune lv 1 lvl 4 = 8x rune lv 1 lvl 5 = 16x rune lv 1 lvl 6 = 32x rune lv 1 lvl 7 = 64x rune lv 1 lvl 8 = 128x rune lv 1 lvl 9 = 256x rune lv 1 lvl 10 = 512x rune lv 1 Lets take an example, IF not a single fail, from 1 to 10 all sucess 100%, and lilith/anakim spawn every 3 days and drop 3 runes, and all the runes go to the person "X" , every month this person "X" will have around 30x runes, so 30*17= 510x runes, its around 1,5 YEAR in the best of cases... Increase drops from current quantity AND ( OR ) make drop chance from normal mobs in the fields, AND ( OR ) change upgrade method to not require duble runes each level..