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Posts posted by Koukou

  1. 150 ppl cc and we see like 300 so we are perfect!!!!!! perkunas have 13 clans!!! 4 allies and still they loose 1 castle for use is perfect you know why? because we are friends you are like a robots!!! so QQ and enjoy this!!!! no problem for us because we love this game ask about your self you feel good when you fight 150 ppl vs 4 allies?


  2. Driver in this case i have totaly different opinion sorry. I rly rarely bsoe aswell, its waste of adena for me. Its just game, if some1 outplay me let him get a frag reward lol. i loose 0,2% if i die on pvp thats like 4 min pve on BS lol, not worth the 110k, not to mention i cant ever buy bsoe in ch to have it in case im pk cos some bsoe masters buy it and waste nonstop. About big pvps, if ur pt died but ur sws participated in pvp, played active agro etc, but ur pt loose, its fault of whole pt and whole pt should be punished. And its reward for enemy pt. If u play whole pvp but u bsoe in the end its such a pussy cancerous logic. I know many ppl do it but i have different rules for myself in this game. If i have chance to win (not outnumbered much or outlvled) i pick a fight and fight until death, my death or enemy. Its just fun to pvp. I know there are some cancers that try to make u die to mobs, or gank solo spots with 1-2 full pts (hello rok), or ganking lowbie spots with high lvls but its different story... I see 76 ppl in sos everyday but im sure u never saw my archer in sos once i hit 70lvl.. Every1 plays however he wants, i have my rules and i keep it my way, so caling ppl like me stupid cos they dont bsoe while loosing is failed argument

    ​oh, man. we res with simple scrolls in mass pvp. i wrote that koukou didnt understand what i was saing and i was not interested in explaining it to him, im tired to explain something to newbs that tell me i make something wrong and then they do the same, im talking about the true warriors of vig who all bsoe.

    i think u must gank your wars even in talking island, why should they have freefarm?

    the point is, after you lose 9vs9 for example and some bards are alive, they get feared or stuned into the mobs and can get -4% and need to push to ch. and the worst what could happed u can lose items. 

    p.s. ask salaras about this topic. 


    ​im reading only bla bla bla bla bla im tired to explain you  and all the time try to explain me!! go sleep bro need rest !! this btw dont make me happy when i saw bizz root salaras!! ( i think are allies member not good promotion) 

  3. ELA REEEEEE!!!! NIWSEEEE!! Oh Oh Oh @Zavarakatranemia  i want to loose some exp because i dont want to go 76 and leave server until 2,0 comes!!! And yes im stupid :D


    ​its not about exp

    glad to hear it from you.

    ​bro is just play! and i dontt want to do what are you doing now for example bsoe restart etc...we will make fake soe for log in enemys wtf this isnt game this is a restart game!!! stay and fight!!!

  4. Still, some Koreans are good enough for me, I feel a bit better knowing I play on a server with Koreans :D

    ​i dont say all korea this a rats. i say i dont throw my mercedes if this car made in germany, and we win 2 world war versus hitler.

    this a personaly about 3 peoples, and 1 clan. 

    ​Ok enough now!!! OCHOBA you play o Grand Kain right??? go farm bro!!!!

  5. guys are you sheeps? Koll and the other gm did very good job!! i spend 1 years plus 2 months to play this server and someone come with real money and buy 1 char same lvl with me this is not fair game this is a bulls*** all know that char was bought for real money dont say about a gift or something like that!!! All knows ochoba bought char on Grand Kain ofc ochoba didnt give him free and ofc ochoba did well because earn some real money!! BUT hwarang now get REKT because they think they are smartest than gm's.. So gl for it!!!

    ​​growing up kid. They did bait to ban OCHOBA chars just because report without proof from ROK so GM asking them find out more proof somehow they contact to bait OCHOBA to asking about info of this account but the answer is SECRET price but its still not a good enough proof to banning DANKHAL and OCHOBA's chars banned by reason is he planning to sell chars plus ch to ROK not because they have proof that HWARANG bought OCHOBA char. DANKHAL was OCHOBA's char but where is proofs that OCHOBA sold char to HWARANG ??? NO. And next, If DANKHAL banned because its OCHOBA's char so did we have proofs that OCHOBA already sold chars plus clan hall to ROK or it just was bait to ban OCHOBA but without any payment (like they said :V) and still just planning but seem like every plan started from ROK.

    one more funny story if oneday Im thinking about contact koll to give him good offer to buy his server so imagine what we will talking at this time :P


    ​you can find easly that bro!!! just go info top lvl and you will not see ochoba name just  replace DANKHAL ... and ofc i was cp with ochoba  and i know ochoba speak russian no korean!!! because i have allready see chat from DANKHAL!! Btw i dont know in which clan you are or you are active player i know only this ochoba sold the char!! 

  6. guys are you sheeps? Koll and the other gm did very good job!! i spend 1 years plus 2 months to play this server and someone come with real money and buy 1 char same lvl with me this is not fair game this is a bulls*** all know that char was bought for real money dont say about a gift or something like that!!! All knows ochoba bought char on Grand Kain ofc ochoba didnt give him free and ofc ochoba did well because earn some real money!! BUT hwarang now get REKT because they think they are smartest than gm's.. So gl for it!!!

  7. Show cc from perkunas. Cose we have info abaut 375 ppl  from perkunas. And we see 10 flags on siege. Almost all clan full ar... so its funny to see so big zerg like 2x time more and thay say 190 v 210.

    Hello Monkey ;)

    ​What abot hwarang and fun? can you show us all the partys on cc?

  8. This was so bad, it hurts my eyes to watch that waste of a +16 bow.

    I hope you do better next siege.

    Please learn to play by wasd ~

    ​i agree with you!! at least 2 min full mana and no hit just walk and tryed  to take assist from cloudyq

    • Like 1

  9. dont know i just see them there on AQ bizz make new zerk :D


    It was funny there, so much BSOE from Viga there. :D GF

    ​yes -4 too :D

    -4? Who? Me? :D I dont die there, but its ok my dear little lier. So many your sorcs die there, its rly funny 20sors try kill 60lvls. I understand now your ego up when u fight 70-75 vs 55-60. :D

    And after your rage when u lost it. :D:D:D:D

    Btw. War = -1

    ​some people from fun clan died (i remember one EE) , so that what he means.

    Also we didnt lose AQ that day, except if you mean something else :P

    What? :D I know it than u killed it. Sorry boy than one of thousands AQ dont make me sad, rly sorry for it.  I have only fun from so many BSOE from viga girls 74+ and so many deaths sors which try killing us. :D  

    ​omg stibaaaaa what are you doing in area 35 -40(as you said )?? Lol man stop do this in forum  and try to lvl up!! 

  10. 9v2? You mean 9v8 but 8 weren't organized well :) It's not my problem. About holding the doors, I think noone got it but we killed all ES side and we were defending castle while praying vs perkunas side. gf

    ​You know everything about organization watching first part of kols video of sieges decided you are just ez. But you are also braindead you can also ADD some ganks in SOS full party vs 3 guys which are 10 lvl below you.. GG WP w8ing next video

    ​I dont know the reason why you cry so much!!!! you choose side so we can go everywhere and gang enemy!!! If you dont like this sry we cant do anything!!! Try to exp on elven village because we will hunt enemys everywhere except class village