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Everything posted by Chlastacz

  1. ​I think the same. I was lured to the "same as official" Lineage 2 Classic server that was supposed to launch on the 15th and none of this is true. There is no live date yet and the files are just.... well they r not Lineage 2 classic. I Quit, this is not what i was told it will be.
  2. I personally wouldn't bank on it.
  3. Yes its an option. Disable it in Video options "Use out of focus effect"
  4. map is small 5.6.7 k is insane....
  5. Chlastacz

    Wrazenia OBT

    Grałem 3 dni : pierwszy 2 godziny, drugi około 6 tak jak i 3ci. ogólne wrazenia dobre lecz zacząłem zastanawiać się czy będę miał jednak czas na grę na docelowych ratach ale to czas pokaże. Na pewno pogram w live. Moja ocena : 6/10 P.S. Dzis sprawdze drugiego healera (jezeli mozna go tak nazwac) "EE" bo nie wiem jakiego wziąć czy BP czy EE.
  6. Agree that Cyrylic alphabet (Russian lg) and other foreign languages shoul be banned from Shout/trade chat and forum (at least general section). I believe i read a post by draq saying forum and game rules are not ready yet but will be soon. I'm pretty sure that this will be included in rules. Guess we have to w8 - No rule set = wild west.
  7. we will see in about 12 minutes...
  8. i , for instance will focus on skill effect, this is what's puzzling me... Anyway happy to be part of it.
  9. Good to know i have my weekend booked for nolifing...
  10. good point cant argue with that. But anyway more info = happy community.
  11. Chlastacz

    Wersja l2

    Boty będą na pewno pytanie tylko czy będą banowane skutecznie. W L2 classic jest opcja report bot ingame. Druga sprawa to w L2 Classic jezeli giniesz przez moby to dropisz itemy tak jak bys byl czerwony wiec mozna te boty zabijac mobami i zbierac dropy.
  12. ​machine specification. Power, memory etc.
  13. BUMP ! Like this if it's usefull for You !!!!
  14. Chlastacz

    Wersja l2

    sie zobaczy... Na pewno nie java Nie wiadomo co z klientem czy prawdziwy classic czy emul c1,3,4
  15. Chlastacz


    Na klasyku summony powinny zjadac Ore z grocery (soul, spirit) lecz sie zobaczy co z plikami. Jezeli chodzi o summonera to powiedziec mozna w grubym skrocie tak: Do pve dobry Do pvp zły Oczywiście jezeli pliki beda classic a nie emul c1,3,4
  16. Chlastacz

    Polskie gildie

    Na bank bedzie sporo osob grajacych Casualowo. Czas leci i "starzy wyjadacze" maja dzis rodziny , prace, firme, dzieci etc i nie moga poswiecic tyle czasu co kiedys. Sam naleze do tej grupy i juz znalazlem ludzi na tym forum do wspolnej gry "bez spinki". Jak cos to pisz. Grał będę healerem i spoilem.
  17. I really want this to be the case prczm. Really do.
  18. Dont get mad @ ppl who say there is not enough information about the server. comments like gtfo and such... Dude has a point. Why no info about server specs>>>??? Beta in 3 days right? I really want to be part of this project but just saying.... dude has a point dont flame him prczm....
  19. Ofc there should be Offline shop implementation with restrictions. Keeping PC on for shops for countless hours is just stupid.
  20. Had 6 of my l2 mates lined up for this but after what happened and the doubt about the real classic client involved and not the emulation noone wants to play here anymore
  21. Chlastacz

    Wersja l2

    Wygląda na to, że będzie to emulowana wersja "starego" L2, która nie ma nic wspólnego z Classic L2..... niestety.
  22. Voted NO. a 12 day delay is not that bad but it could have been handled better not a couple of hours before start. I actually came back from abroad vacation one day earlier thus "wasting" 99 EU for hotel room bcoz i could not get a refund by leaving early. I also understand ppl who planned their life , vacation etc. I just hope everything will run smooth from now on and we can get a good product. I also hope that ppl will not leave bcoz of rage emo etc. and about the staff giving "proofs" and some ppl moaning about it : GROW THE FUCK UP !