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Posts posted by Humble

  1. 3 hours ago, Rip said:

    I understand you but please dont he surprised if we gank you sometimes. And i dont want to hear "omg 75 lvl necro griefing low lvls that want to farm in peace"

    Why not? You know this all started by your clannie v4 he pked a whole lvl 60 rb pt just for funs. Then his friend in my clan left because we badmouth him for having idiot friend. So not much we can do right there. 

  2. the people you post screens off sell for ridiculous price to make sure offline shop and thus their msg stays up.
    you display to sell an doom set but instead of a doom helmet theres a leather helmet in there.

    total difference you scammer xP

    I know because i made screenshot too hueheue but i didnt report you because your title didnt say FULL Set.

  3. still that vid shows 1 member from our newly formed alliance, theres more politics to it then i would like to handle. Also Rip i dont think you are chinese but I know you are related to them and thus treat you as one. I mean why would you want to fight alongside china if you are not asian. I like to play with people in my area aka gmt but hey thats me, recruitments up! 

    International but EU based GMT+1 Come join the Goodlife!

  4. We are our own side, Jungle helps us clean abg from high lvl china because noone else wants to.
    If any clan/ally wants to do that please let me know. China is taking over the server so grow balls and lets face them together!

    PS: moderator please clean my recruitment thread Thank you.

  5. We had people in clan that are friends with WS and all them its you decided to war us. not actions from members but you! You just gonna war any clan that takes your rb even from your untagged players. Thats ok but dont come telling us its because bad mouthing players and hatefull actions towards red crested people. We tried staying neutral but any china and friend should suck it. pathetic rly how they are all top lvl and spend their time on a lvl 60 clan trying to make its way up. But sure go for it we are here to stay. 

  6. 6 hours ago, Rip said:

    Good luck :D

    Its not that we want to but you guys pk anyone at sight in any farm location anyway. Its time to give the noobs a chance we will try even when we are low lvl and outnumbered.
    So anyone thats not into holding china dicks come join the goodlife we have cookies! 

  7. Peril +3 is often on market for only 200kk. But max price =245kk

    Soes is harder to craft and get. Baseprice 85kk +3=130kk

    Try enchant soes+4 fail= 145kk loss

    With max 100mil left you can rebuy soes with 1 ewb because 1 ewb =15kk

    So is it worth it? :D nahhhhhhh


  8. Hello club community and welcome to my humble shop.
    In this thread I will try and settle all my trading needs :).

    Currently I would like to sell of these items:

    - Yaksa mace+8
    - Yaksa mace+9
    - Dual shamshir (2)
    - Dual katana (out of stock)*
    - Dual caliburs
    -Zubei robe and light parts upper/lower boots & gloves
    -Spellbooks: currently allot in stock pm for info

    I would like to buy the following items:
    - Yaksa mace +/11/12
    - Black ore Ring/Earring Recipe and parts.
    -xp/sp buff scrolls
    -Recipe : Eminence bow

  9. 2 hours ago, Myrtan said:

    Maybe you didn't take into account that your guys were seen with WS players, and also helped against us in pvp. And you wonder why you got war, when you didn't inform your clan to not get involved. When we see neutral clan, we don't do nothing but when neutral clan start to get a long with WS then you get war. Simple as that ;)

    Lol so everytime someone helps WS because they are friendly you go and war on them? damn I tought this was perkunas job, guess aduha rly left...