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Posts posted by iMTR

  1. 1 minute ago, Koll said:


    If the report was made without providing video evidence, at the time of inspection potential bot users might not be in the game, and it's much more difficult finding them, therefore you will not be able to receive the reward.

    This means that if you are not 100% sure about a ban you gonna search this guy and later decide if he is or not right?Are you sure about me?NO . Why?Because you used only ONE evidence and i reject it using geometry and logic. This means that you have ZERO fact on me and you are not 100%.You searched me 27 times and this means you didnt found anything.Unban my char immideatly.

  2. 4 minutes ago, BlackJack said:

    Yeah we have formed a secret society, everyone with reason against you. You got us. GZ

    Acting like a 13yo boy will not lead you anywhere.The logic in the end will win anyway.And you are not part on that.
    @Koll What your team says about other proofs in this video.Did they found maybe that i contacted with aliens via game to hack your database?

  3. 1 minute ago, blackmarket said:

    we trusted u after ur first bot ban, and u lied to us again, u tricked (tried to) 1,5k people, how can we trust u? No wonder u had 70 checks a day. Its still low amount for 1,5k players that lost faith in u :( 

    How you know i lied to you?Your supposed gm ban me and he have zero fact against me.In a proper banning the Gm give obvious reason to the banned.Here is nothing compared to that.

  4. @Koll The worst think is that i trusted your server playing here,at is seems i wasted my time,and i think you dont look to invite in your server good players but bad ones with a lot of money.You dont want to make a server that will last on quality but on quantity.This is  fully unproffesinal.Your facts are zero compared to me and now you avoid me to answer.Gratz for your server

  5. 1 minute ago, Koll said:

    So everyone who reject reason must be unbanned?

    I reject reason with proofs.What a real bot can say you?You delete mobs in front of me and change targets instantly for 2 mins?Or a guy that you remove his buffs and cast his buffs again immideatly?No they cant because there is no logical proof on that.We talk about me and my supposed proofs.

  6. Just now, Koll said:

    We are checking random places, when have time for it ( I can't tell what places, because people will stop be there ), but we can't check all chars, so we also rely on people reports. 

    We can't ignore reports, so we have to check you even 50 times.

    Yes and you checked me 50 times find nothing.Then you find a video trying to prove i was a bot.You say me that you think i was a bot because of the reason "A".I reject the reason 'A' with proofs and then you dont unban me but staying in the same idea without proofs.How is this called ?

  7. 1 minute ago, Aduha said:

    You know, even if there is obviously bot somewhere, you can't ban it. That is not proofs for ban. To ban bot you need to trace it on the users PC or make that warning window where u have to put numbers, if you are not afk. 

    I had like 25-27 inspections from gm almost every day.They came remove buffs,delete mobs in front of me,teleport me my prophet and all this staff.There are guys in sv (mostly chn) that uses "manualy" 6 boxes and one "active".They were near me the time of inspections and nobody touched them.

  8. You guys cant understand that by banning me without reason, you dont become better players.Playing against me,reaver or players in the same level you become better and maybe one day better than us.You prefer to ban me for a reason that is not truth.Ok.But say it in straight- We dont like you because you rekted our butt.I will accept it and move forward.
    @Koll You see that i deny all your claims with real facts.Unban my character if you are fair as you say because there is no proof for my ban.

  9. Just now, Koll said:

    I told you reason, your char was trying to attack 2 different mobs and couldn't decide. After some time bot changing target because he see that mobs HP doesn't decrease. 

    I think you dont want to understand.You are a smart boy right?I express you with facts and i say you that if i had bot and the bot wanted to attack 2 mobsthe character would follow a 180* path.But in my video you can clearly see the character trying to go to any side because i clicked on it.In the end i pressed skill and i managed to move.Like on aden castle.