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Posts posted by iMTR

  1. Just now, Koll said:

    I'm still saying that it was 2 mobs. This screen showing + video just showing that you wasn't stuck and wasn't trying to move in different locations. Because in video you moving in same path, but for me you telling that you stuck and was trying to move in different locations.

    The character do not moving in the same path.Its clear anyone with a couple of eyes can see it.It go sometimes further some times not,some times go to the side of the wall sometimes to the other side.If there was 2 mobs it would go in the same 180* route every time.

  2. Just now, Koll said:

    Video that I send via skype + video that have here on forum, that you posted.

    In video we see that you bot program can't decide what mob to attack and after some time, because mobs HP doesn't decrease, bot decide to change target ( adrenalin bot have this option for example ) - that's why your char stop running between 2 mobs and start running to one of them and attack it.

    How you see that my bot program cant decide what mob to attack?You were there trying to see my targets?You were there seeing if there was any mob behinf me?My char make way different loops every time i click on sides.If there was a mob on the other side he would go the same route over and over again.

  3. 1 minute ago, San0 said:

    i honestly dont know why my name always gets pulled into this but ok. 

    "The chars that got banned were different but with the same name."

    new char same name is diferent from same char diferent name.


    i smell someone else getting banned from forum also.

    I think your collegue got some different opinion on that.Wanna continue saying?

  4. 2 minutes ago, BlackJack said:

    idk and idc what he said, if you get caught cheating you deserve the ban. There was a period of 6 months where i was farming everyday for 8+ hours solo. how come no one ever accused me of cheating ?

    Another member of Gm Team detected.AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
    Let me remind you what he said then.
    The chars that got banned were different but with the same name.

    • Like 1

  5. 22 minutes ago, Koll said:

    1) Bot in this case was trying to attack 2 different mobs, after time pass bot realize that HP of mob doesn't decrease and then switch target that he can actually attack.

    2) We checked geo in this place and we couldn't stuck at all, on video he is running back and forth, so he doesn't stuck.

    3) It's 2nd ban of this person for using bot, this is first video ( he changed nick after this ban )

    1)And i say the opposite.Find me a proof to base this thinking.I got stucked for 15s and this means i was a bot?You investigate me for over 70 days and you couldnt find i was a bot and then a random guy came and investigated and found it in 15 seconds?
    2)You cant know where or when a bug will pop up.This happens in aden castle too.Sometimes you fall normaly sometimes you dont.
    Where you see the second ban.Also you wanted that road and we go together in hell.Continue it and the train will start.For both

  6. About my ban.There is a video
    I asked about gm to hear my opinion and they didnt.There is a big missunderstanding on that and nobody want to hear it.I just say it without any drama and anyone can keep what he want in his mind.In this position igot stucked in ground(geodata bug propably,many times i went to use chain and the mobs even they were straight to me the chat wrote"Cannot see target",confirm it please) like you stuck on aden castle.You can see every second it pass that i click on different directions and my char change side every time i click.In the end i used chain strike on a mob to get unlocked like you get unlock every time you stuck on aden castle.Nobody wanted to hear my view and i got banned.No drama or anything guys this was my view.I know the truth.GMs inspected me almost every day for 70 days.I even have a conversation with Koll about that.I just wanted to express my view on that.Its very sad because i know the truth but this happens-life is not fair for everyone.