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Everything posted by iMTR

  1. The character do not moving in the same path.Its clear anyone with a couple of eyes can see it.It go sometimes further some times not,some times go to the side of the wall sometimes to the other side.If there was 2 mobs it would go in the same 180* route every time.
  2. Dont speak to the trash modoy he try to break the conversation to lose concetration. @Koll Dont avoid my answer.I reject the 2 mobs target with proofs.Tell me the reason i got ban
  3. @Koll Explain me why i got banned?You said me about having 2 mobs on target and i reject it immideatly with proofs.Tell me whats next.
  4. You ban someone because of suspicion or because it is 100%?
  5. @Koll How you see that my bot program cant decide what mob to attack?You were there trying to see my targets?You were there seeing if there was any mob behinf me?My char make way different loops every time i click on sides.If there was a mob on the other side he would go the same route over and over again.
  6. Really?Whatever you dont like you call it script?Because i prove that i wasnt botting and you find the excuse of script?THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT?TO BAN ME FOR NOT FUCK YOU IN GAME?
  7. @KollHow can you be sure that i was botting with 15 seconds of looping in DIFFERENT direction because my stucked char?If there was 2 targets changing i would go the same route over and over again.Not changing sides every second.This means i was manual trying clicking and couldnt move.
  8. How you see that my bot program cant decide what mob to attack?You were there trying to see my targets?You were there seeing if there was any mob behinf me?My char make way different loops every time i click on sides.If there was a mob on the other side he would go the same route over and over again.
  9. Sure.Just an answer to me. first the real proofs of my ban second why you unbanned players 3 times in row
  10. What are the proofs?Never gave an official answer to me.
  11. Proof for me about my ban after 25 inspections. And for all this time only nihilum got banned?The rest just got unbaned right?This CHNAlipapa secure them well right?
  12. They admited their mistake because i FORCED them to admit it 2 years after.IDIOT
  13. Proofs for my second ban.Where are they?Also monkey modoy i am a player.even if i lied its not the same like the headmaster of this server to lie.Monkey subhuman
  14. You are all sheeps.Literally.They make fun in your face.They lie to you 2 years and you keep backup them.Funniest shit in my entire l2 history.
  15. I answered to this already.Check my first post..This server not only have fail Gms to investigate bots.But also corrupt ones.
  16. Nice answers.Private Chino Servidor.You put Modoy and BlackJack to change the course of this post because you @Koll and you @San0 cant continue it.You know i have proofs that if istartting upload them you will get wrecked.Continue it.Keep banning me for this reason and i will drag you to hell with me.
  17. I think your collegue got some different opinion on that.Wanna continue saying?
  18. The bad is that its not only Oppa CP on our view.But also some chinnish that got backuped by their leader, CHNAlipapa. Right @Koll ?
  19. But i think that inside their team there are some guys with different view on that.Am i right @Koll ?
  20. Another member of Gm Team detected.AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Let me remind you what he said then. The chars that got banned were different but with the same name.
  21. OK lets start boy. @BlackJack remind me please what san0 used to say about OPPA partys unbans.
  22. 1)And i say the opposite.Find me a proof to base this thinking.I got stucked for 15s and this means i was a bot?You investigate me for over 70 days and you couldnt find i was a bot and then a random guy came and investigated and found it in 15 seconds? 2)You cant know where or when a bug will pop up.This happens in aden castle too.Sometimes you fall normaly sometimes you dont. 3) Where you see the second ban.Also you wanted that road and we go together in hell.Continue it and the train will start.For both
  23. About my ban.There is a video I asked about gm to hear my opinion and they didnt.There is a big missunderstanding on that and nobody want to hear it.I just say it without any drama and anyone can keep what he want in his mind.In this position igot stucked in ground(geodata bug propably,many times i went to use chain and the mobs even they were straight to me the chat wrote"Cannot see target",confirm it please) like you stuck on aden castle.You can see every second it pass that i click on different directions and my char change side every time i click.In the end i used chain strike on a mob to get unlocked like you get unlock every time you stuck on aden castle.Nobody wanted to hear my view and i got banned.No drama or anything guys this was my view.I know the truth.GMs inspected me almost every day for 70 days.I even have a conversation with Koll about that.I just wanted to express my view on that.Its very sad because i know the truth but this happens-life is not fair for everyone.