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Everything posted by Yufi

  1. UP LF 1 good DD/SwS/Bishop
  2. Yufi

    Love is in the air!

    I cant shoot myself ? Oh wait lets open another client
  3. 20 kills yesterday were not enough.lets see when the war come
  4. Yufi


    WTB Blue wolf Breastplate +6 pm Bazic
  5. https://files.fm/u/yg6xxv6u?fbclid=IwAR0XnSr6AV8nn1A09TSzGq5qUAzkqbHrUv3UdnY-_6B5alMmyTSQoO3_hgc
  6. Who is paying you man? China or BR ?
  7. It's not my issue man but you playing both sides, hidden in a small room not ever getting trained by anyone in any prime.People watched u on lfg recruiting 3rdfloor on low lvl raids just to train people around and to be honest with u we raped u over 30 times today i wonder how u even talk crap.This is just a proof so that sides can understand that you play on both sides china/brasilian since u cooperate with Bravo alliance but still u do farm next to china doing nothing and protecting their spots during off prime.Cya PS i printed screen when u told me that u do not know the trainer in DI and that u are a good guy Repeating the names of the owners : Raper/Raaper/Nightime/Nighttime/Try2Stop/Ibarcelos/Cobr4 owners of 3/5/6/7 fl00rs Shot00073.bmp Shot00072.bmp Shot00074.bmp Shot00075.bmp Shot00076.bmp Shot00077.bmp Shot00078.bmp
  8. Devils isle as a new lvling/farming zone seems to be unreachable during china prime, which is understandable since they have captured every decent single spot to make a fortune there. But what happens during eu/na prime?If you ve been there during that time you are going to see that clearly nobody is farming there apart from some china during the night game time.If you have also noticed there is 1 guy moderating many toons together with various names like 3rdfl00r/5thfloor/8rdfl00r etc who is non stop training any single guy who attempts to farm at any spot.Even if the spot is clean he wont farm there. If anyone ever wondered who that guy is his name is Raper/Raaper/Nightime/Nighttime/Ibarcelos and belongs to a clan with the name Warcraft We pked him over 30 times if i see people interested in proofs i will post picture here. Have a good day
  9. Greetings! We are a group of returnees comming from EU/NA who just returned to the game after a 2 years pause and we are currently looking for friendly people to join us so that we can orient our activities.Currently we are recruiting the following classes : 1)Destroyers 2)Tyrants 3)Supports : Sws/BD/Bishops Requirements : 68 lvl + only , standard gear requirements , log in ts/discord is mandatory. We are currently playing from 20:00 gmt +2 till 02:00. If you are interested send a private message in the forum account or pm Bazic / Fruityfuncake / xPokemon
  10. CP melee based recruiting SwS 60+ and melee DD EU Prime 18:00 gmt +2 till 23:00 gmt +2 Pm in forum for more info
  11. You cant speak to any npc close to cruma tower including the teleporter and Lorain ( npc which is needed for the 2nd class transfer of a crafter one step before the third quest is done) GG WP
  12. Spoiler PVE + Dex - Con Reasons : more crit, u farming faster, u getting more procs on blunt weapon mastery to sustain with the mp As for Se in pve i prefer one dye +MEN - WIt if u not using her for heals u might as well go for that it helps a lot on sustaining the mp recovery among ur spoiler and her.gl
  13. I received an answer from the support team seems i got banned for calling someone a scammer in party matching, guess i should read the rules more often [sic] but luckily i got unbanned The scammer tho is still sitting in giran harbor making money out of poor people , thx for your response
  14. Greetings to everyone Ive been playing on this server for quite a month casually starting with a spoiler whom i reached 51 level.Having troubles with buffs/adena i decided to make a second account and then a third account.All fine and settled so far managed to level up a propher 49 and a SE to 44 to help me on my grind spoil ( ofc the first time i paid eu for col to make it premium) then yesterday i decided to buy col with adena for my third account.Last thing i remember is me doing raid boss after 12h all my windows went disconnected and got the message above To catch up with any hate for the mentionned above , im not using any illegal 3rd software, got trashed a million times with curses during these 3 weeks(sent ticket but no any illegal action spotted ) and encountered many good people from around the world with whom i was really happy to play with and also the reverse. Back to our subject i got this message probably cause i got banned , any info? i sent ticket right after i got the ban message and still no response , not a reason, not a warning, nothing