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Posts posted by Robbin92

  1. The server will definetelly not shutdown before you farm some good gear, but at the same time its not very likelly to farm 400kk solo in 30 days for a +10b grade weapon as a begginer on the server. But in 2 months its very realistic. Also you need to understand that if you get medium geared ( witch i assume for most people is +10 b grade weapon and +6 b set) you will have a huge gap in power with no geared people who will not be able to compete with you, but you will be able to compete yourself with very geared people. I will try to explain this the better i can. My point is : after someone gets medium geared , he would have to pay in adena really big ammounts for improvements. For example the differance in price b grade+9 vs b grade+10 is probably 50-100kk and the differance b grade+15 vs b grade+16 can be up to 1 bilion and its basically the same power upgrade. So after you get mediium geared you will have to pay big ammounts for small improvements witch takes time for sure. So i think the answer is that its very realistic to get medium geared in 3-4 months witch will be enough for you to do 97% of end game conent. But if you are talking about epic gear , then you might quit before you ever get it. Epic gear is not easy to get at all. Just to simple put it in numbers, what we called medium geared char has probably networth <1 bilion and someone who has aq3. orfen3 , core3 has networth >10bilion. You can get geared enought to be relevent and  do almost everything but there are people on the server you may never catch up to.

  2. You are a pve monster damage dealer solo or in party GC. Very good in oly if you try. In pvp 1vs1 is good. Mass pvp not so good couse even though you have really big single target damage , you are a very bad ranged damage dealer and a very slow melee damage dealer( your summon will be rooted/feared/killed before hiting someone 80% of the time).

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  3. Oh my. I will not respond anymore on this topic my eyes hurt. Here some big words for you. Take your summoner since is so easy to play in coli. I will give you a list of 10 classes for you to chose one you think you can win against. And I come with that class. Then we ll see the explanation


  4. 4 minutes ago, Eldifes said:

    This topic for reals ? Mastering summoners  respect for the class.  

    Be happy they dont make change on sumoning skill were you cant ressumon then pet is in combat.  

    After that change maybe were some difrence form master blaster summoner and average one. Sumons and DA the only classes witch need least of items to be good farmers.

    DONT BE JOKE PS/WL/ES never been in better place than now and you have too many win coditions

    1. For the 304th time. THIS TOPIC WAS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE ABOUT SUMMONERS !! My god you guys have a problem !

    2.That would have to come with much more changes so summon can not die that easily or summoner will be unplayable.But you don't understand this ofc.

    3.Reason summoners don't need gear to do DAMAGE is that they deal damage with summon "DAAAA" . A no gear summoner will 100% of the time win an average or even good geared one if he has better skill.There are summoners with 77% winrate and summoners with 40% winrate. you think that's due to gear diff? hehe.

    4. SUmmoners are in a good spot agreed. That DOES not make them the easiest class to play out of all. Suumoners win condition is 1 . SURVIVE while you do dmg with summon.


  5. Lafi is current heroe on PS. Like I said . Nobody is worried if "YOU" compete for heroe on PS. You think you can take PS heroe emmmm "un-assisted" ? behehe. Give it a try !

    How would you ever win solo against someone who OBVIOUSLY loves,enjoys,breaths and respects summoners? Never talked to the guy in pm . Never. Respect for him as a summoner. You don't respect the class. None for you

  6. 4 minutes ago, MoDoy said:

    you didnt even play here when i was playing on PS :d so i wonder how would you know who is better than me or not

    Maybe I do maybe I don't. I will just say I there are 2 inactive PS mains right who who would be reall competition for the title. You? Nobody worries if you compete for PS heroe.I don't need to see your play. You told me already. Bring your PS in oly :)

  7. 1 hour ago, MoDoy said:

    1x ES, 2x warlock, 3x PS hero

    so once you will need some tips on PS, feel free to pm me @Robbin92 mr. PRO :p (also i know, weird flex)

    I can name Right now 5 summoners that are better than you on PS other than me . The competitors each month make the winner who he is. So the fact you took 3x PS heroes in the past means nothing to people who actually know how oly works. Someone who thinks PS is all about ressumon cubic and run in order to master or doesn't respect the potential of this and some other classes have to be creative and use 10-20 skills or items smartly. By saying nop "assasin is ALWAYS useless" / "nop PS is easy to master" ( never backed this up with any reasons why that is ) you would NEVER  eve eve ever ever ever ever ever ever  …. impress me with your skill on PS. ever ever ever ever.

  8. 20 minutes ago, MoDoy said:

    yeah dude, i probably dont know anything about summoners :p just probably i know about PS more than you, but thats a detail  

    ps: assassin servitor is never better than final servitor, 10% speed on pet is never worth it over all the other stats final servitor gives  

    Sure PRO. When I get in the situation vs ES with 2x guard tali gone, need to resummons fast and his pony is about to stun me and preaty much lose the game I WILL GO with Assasin 10% speed = +18 speed all day every day !! You stay there with your stats to lose every time :) PRO

  9. 4 hours ago, Yomana said:

    I would like a definition of what is "mastering" summoner. 

    So i can answer in this topic.

    Choose between 3-4 different targets the correct one in each situation.Choose between robe or light set.2-3 different rune weapons can be very beneficial for summoner.You must know when to assist your summon for some quick damage with twister.Your summon has an aoe poison-debuff witch can be used without target with correct positioning vs all classes, you can also attack your summon and reveal daggers as a second option with flame strike.Servitor cure/servitor blessing/resummons/summon spart cubic/mage bane/warrrior bane all usefull in different situations and you need time to cast them. some times chosing to stop for 0.5 secs to cast warrior bane is going to result you losing the game.same goes with all skills since summoners weakness is " can be bursted to death even though his summon is strong, so don't stop moving" . Know when you can afford rebuffing your resummoned with one or 2 buffs or none couse you don't have time or positioning to do so. Assasin servitor sometimes is a better option vs final servitor if you think fast. Servitor UD is very important to use everygame and know when to use it.Servitor skill use. Positioning and running-hiding is everything . Gameplay can be ofc more complicated than this if we talk specific matchups but im not gonna go into that. There you go. Work with that.


    3 hours ago, MoDoy said:

    for him its probably clicking that one more button with spark cubic once it procs, you know, so much harder than other classes

    That's probably all you know about summoners. Gratz.

  10. One of the best Events I have ever seen on server. Also droprate and rewards of this and previous event is perfect. A nice reward for everybody that is not going to make certain people super rich. Keep up the great work . Also people stop complaining about drop rates or better rewards, it would harm the server in the long run BIG TIME. Happened before. Item droprate increase or better rewards would not make you richer. It would make everybody richer, witch means you are in the same exact situation like before comparing to your stronger or weaker friends. Nobody is gonna benefit from that in terms of progression vs other players. BUT. For the server? For the server sth like that would destroy the current content and balance of the game.

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