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Posts posted by freakout

  1. NA prime - around 19:00 to 00:00 gmt-3

    Archer group looking for DD with decent gear and SWS lvl 80 (or driver for ours).
    Playing 3~4 days a week + oly (at least 1 day/week) + sieges

    TS is necessary! We are brazilians and some of us speak english too.

    • Like 1

  2. 1 hour ago, iAxZp said:

    respecting your bd knowledge i will answer you seriously. 
    1) they focus me even on bd
    2) there is no need to be glass cannon in mage cp

    your ego is amazing dude

    • Thanks 1

  3. 1 hour ago, MoDoy said:

    but it did, at 3:22 he stigma mob twice because it took longer than 5s (party was split and were killing 2 mobs at once), sadly all other mobs died faster than 5s loop macro

    also lulz at this new accounts hype train on forum "i think its legit" :d

    im not that new...

    still thinking that he wasnt botting or looping it

  4. if she was a bot, as soon as she got summoned, she would run and follow the orc...wouldnt she?

    im my point of view, its a newbie player hitting a macro like:
    1 /target uglyorc
    2 /assist
    3 /stigma

    maybe she is always near the crew, cuz she is using C grade...

    this ban is wrong

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