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Posts posted by YipMan

  1. 1 minute ago, Rizos said:


    Well if u like to post facebook convs and what i pm u in private chat i can post also how u call jwan monkey and how u slowly get enough to play with ur china bratkas cos they are so bad on pvp.

    1st is not true, second is true they are making mistakes who drive me crazy. They know about it.

  2. Just now, MoDoy said:

    i hope those screens have some deeper meaning than perks calling wukong monkeys, coz if thats the thing you wanted to show, oh boi ^_^ 

    Yes only Bizz himself doing it, and guy cry about traitors didnt aid Bizz when his clan / CP was breaking.

  3. 3 minutes ago, iOrdinator said:

    You do understand you are one here accusing everyone. Looks like a circus to me. 

    I dont accuse every1 are scammers, just 1 personne who is part of Your CP, and said If You are fine with playing with scammer then OK. 

    Some1 here was telling something about twisting not long ago..... Ahhhh yea it was also Your CP memeber, Interesting xd 

  4. 7 minutes ago, iOrdinator said:

    Listen to me brotha I am gonna tell it for one and last time. Royal family had a YouTube clan channel. When dr lord left he left all he’s belongings to he’s clan including YouTube channel. The guy that you accuse.

    True comedy hahahhaha 


  5. Just now, Werew said:


    So when nothing works just pull out some disrespect bullshit ? 

    I could say the same about you and RF, if you would had respect them they wouldn't take ch, bcz from all my interactions with them and pretty much everyone else no one have solid complaints about them, not before this ch or after 





  6. 8 minutes ago, Werew said:


    So totally different situations, in your case he stepped down and give up willingly, while in ours after Bizz  usual summer break he was told to leave and let everything behind or stay and follow sjeks.

    But somehow you try to twist the truth to look like is same thing 

    I told You it wasnt 1st WK ally leader switch. I told You exact situation how it looked in case of Skakaa 

    So tell me what, and how  i try to twist ???

  7. 1 hour ago, Werew said:

    Also at that time you had agreements that Bizz did  , negotiate and enforced  with your side, sjeks just maintained them nothing more.

    When things went bad for Bizz your side "forgot" with who made deals and decided to go and support sjeks just bcz he had better numbers on his side so it was better for your business.

    Now tell me more about honor and and how you don't support scammers or w/e, for me you are same kind of traitors like sjeks and now hypocrites as well. 

    Maybe if FC CP would respect their allies more, they would still have them on their side

  8. 1 hour ago, Werew said:

    P.S I don't know RF side of the story but I do remember that when they came on server they had much more numbers than China players so I could believe they paid more%  for that ch than you did at that time

    I near i will hear from Orinator CP player WK stole 3 Aden CH's from Koreans then :P ???

    Becouse where is difference. WK paid for those Clan Halls, and in Your language It was(still is) WK property just in scammers hands.

  9. 1 minute ago, Werew said:

    It was a simple question with a simple answer yes or no , don't try to dodge the answer . 

    It was his decision to give up on leading, and after you gather to vote who to be the new leader, or you decided he's not leader anymore and enforced this on him? 

    You saw any drama, or any split in WK ???? There was no need to make such questions i guess.

    But if You insist to listen whole story. Shakaa get second childern, and decidet he dont wanna be leader anymore.

    Anyways Shakaa gain his power in WK in same way. Hes not 1st WK leader.

  10. 4 minutes ago, Yomana said:

    I was always getting spot in SWS so dunno what you talk about.

    There was complains that shaka didnt give a fuck about us , which it end up true as he chose baium free farm over his own clan cp.

    Oh yea ... and i remmeber how Your CP was soing You get more after 2 weeks in WK than after half year in Dv8 .... Didnt happen as well i guess.

    You was more like on test time in WK due to bad reputation (It was very bad backthen, it started to improve a lot from its point, and again falling down)... You made mistake, and we know how it finished.

  11. 1 minute ago, Yomana said:

    DV8 boosted me much more than china on "bosses". And even then i made 70% of 79 --->80 farming TOI.

    Maybe haogus and dora should be gratefull we shared with them toi 9 during eu prime when your TS had 3 people online.

    Cut the crap denko , i was in same TS.


    Yes and back then i remember how ppls were complaining You never get spot in Eu bosses, wasnt that???

    Also about ToI 9 i also remmeber complains about never have spot in good floor. So i dunno if You could get floor 9 w.o them, arent it???

    It was Your stories not mine.

  12. 3 minutes ago, Werew said:

    Oh, so you want to dance, ok

    Facts : it was like 3 rd year in a row Bizz took summer break, everyone knew about this, like every year there were people willing to play during the summer and everytime was someone left to lead them during break.

    The only difference between that time and previous years was that sjeks decided to keep everything for himself.

    I heard shakalaka is back , did you told him to fuck off and that you have another leader ? 

    In our case admins decided it was a scam attempt so they pretty much enforced a split.

    Also at that time you had agreements that Bizz did  , negotiate and enforced  with your side, sjeks just maintained them nothing more.

    When things went bad for Bizz your side "forgot" with who made deals and decided to go and support sjeks just bcz he had better numbers on his side so it was better for your business.

    Now tell me more about honor and and how you don't support scammers or w/e, for me you are same kind of traitors like sjeks and now hypocrites as well. 

    P.S I don't know RF side of the story but I do remember that when they came on server they had much more numbers than China players so I could believe they paid more%  for that ch than you did at that time




    Yes Shakaa isnt WK leader anymore.

  13. Just now, Yomana said:

    which side boosted me to 80 ? I hope you are joking :) 

    Hmmm there was no jokes ppls comming to me on TS asking for inv TapToTown into 75 parties, and was actually gracefull for help.... But yea i have non recordings, or screens so it never happens as well already xd 

  14. 5 minutes ago, Yomana said:

    The only difference is you cry about koreans and you expect us to care , when the truth is you dont give a fuck if you have scammers / botters / cheaters in your clan or ally.

    You claim "we" know what happened with ch , when the only info is from you or your side.

    Why should i believe you when i caught you trying to manipulate truth on my face , till i had to post screenshots to shut you up?

    Why should i believe someone i have caught using 3rd party software on AQ , on 3 hero chars , getting banned again and again WITH PROOF.

    Your double standards are so pathetic that im not gonna commend more. You can continue hate whoever you want , keep us out of some asian drama we dont give a shit about.




    I was pretty sure this side boosed You to 80 xd You should dlvl back from shame i guess hahaha 

  15. 4 minutes ago, MoDoy said:

    yes, and i said you as well who, what and how (hello party from toi 11)

    now dont take me wrong, i have no problem with you hating that guy, even if he did it or not, you can hate him even for nothing, what bothers me you put whole RS into the same bag and try to make bad guys from us because of this, while it makes absolutely no sense  

    I said if You are fine playing with scammer then ok, its Your buisness.... If that hurt Your feeling, then sorry. 

    Also i wasnt even harsh untill, Your side started to be defensive agresive. Check all history here, how it looked like

  16. 1 minute ago, MoDoy said:

    i am also 99.99% sure that someone from your big alliance scammed something as well during whole time of the server, if you believe otherwise, then just wow, maybe you really have big hopes for humanity, aint you?  

    Maybe tho i havent heard about it. Hellious told me something, but he never told who, and how.... So i have no idea.

    But here we know who, what, and how... Thats a tiny difference for me.

  17. 2 minutes ago, MoDoy said:

    ah, yes, thats why jwan got banned 3 times, thats why launcelot got banned, thats why uin was > < this close to get banned (luckily he left server the moment admins started to investigate him), thats why we had frapses of this train party on toi 11 who used bot, not to continue countless china people who we actually banned for radar usage in toi

    i played in china, i didnt really bother to investigate them or anything, now as i said, if i had admin char, boi you would be surprised "how many people on that TS actually play the game"  but sure, live in your own dream

    If i had admin char i would ban some of Your side for RMTing if You want to talk like that :P

    And yea for scamming now as well.


  18. 3 minutes ago, MoDoy said:

    wait, so you want to deny all these chinese parties which botted ToI for 16h daily for more than year? :D delusional much? or you believe their fairytales as "loop macros bruh" ^_^ you are bunch of soft users with soft user leading your flock (hello jwan! uh, i mean shakaalaka! uh, i mean *insert random nickname of PR he played on long time ago*)

    You was in WK back then... You  could easly enter their room and see they was plaing there... not as legends say its 1 personne on bot.