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Everything posted by Huellas

  2. Nice vid, by the way, should I get some dyes for solo?
  3. Hey thanks for the offer, the thing is two friends are playing with me but, currently lower lvl so we cant exp together, one is a sword singer and the other one a phantom ranger, I don't want to be an ass and just leave them so If they get tired of playing or something I will let you know for sure! Thanks for the tips @ProGressive and everyone else, this is what I wanted to read, now I can level knowing that I have a pretty good end game.
  4. What mob spoils ewc on aligator island? l2classic wiki says nothing
  5. Hi, so I started playing this server like a week ago and so far I like it a lot, got myself a bow and started raiding, I am currently lvl 47, but I have noticed people don't want a Warcryer in their party at all even with a c grade bow for bosses, although I get kicked from a lot of parties I still manage to keep up leveling, my concern is if this situation is gonna be the same on endgame? are CPS using a Doomcryer main or they just have it as a box and fill that slot with something else?