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Posts posted by zadkiel

  1. Instead of watching and laughing with what they do there, we better check and see what our server does here. I am here 4 months and all I hear is that update gonna hit soon and many people will join. Instead of that, I see a lot of people leaving and many people don’t even have the will to log and play.

    If update won’t come soon with new boosts for new players so they can catch up situation gonna be same like on chronos. Only people with overenchaded weapons and epics lvl 3 gonna stay here, waiting for the server to die.

    server is really good. But need more advertising, more happenings and maybe a lil more pay2win options for newcomers. I dunno like weekly runes 100% xp 1-70. Or something like that.

    Btw 2.0 and 2.5 hits together on off by the end of the month. Pray for us!

  2. @SemenArsonist I see you flaming but I can’t understand. Who the fuck are you man. For the 2 months we were on “Arrogance cp” we didn’t do even 1 prime together with you. You farmed 0. How can you talk kiddo? So we farmed for 2 months and you came and got a gift from Fortuna? Of course you would, since you are fortunas best friend. Go co operation style, but please don’t tell that you exped us. Maybe Shootah, but not me, nor even any other guy. Stop popping out like an invited shit, on something that’s not your business. In the end you gonna tell us that we even own you the exp we got on toi by farming tablets. 

  3. 3 hours ago, SemenArsonist said:

    I think you meant to type Fightclub cp + gold digging randoms vs people backstabbed by bizqquit. Contrary to popular belief, perkunas doesn't exist anymore. Perkunas was a clan/alliance consisted of many CPs fighting for the same side, some contributing more, some less. You can't just take any group of randoms, give them a yellow thunder crest and call them perkunas just because biz is leading them. This is what biz is doing right now, recruiting every shitter on the server by promising free epics. Better rename clan to Biz and company, because there is no perkunas anymore. Good luck taking a piece of dog poo, emptying yellow paint on it and calling it pure gold. Everyone knows the difference.

    I like the way you try to flame us, calling us gold-diggers and that we join sides for epics. But before that, tell me mate. Didn’t we farm for you 45 tablets in 50 days, didn’t we farmed a core and an orfen, for cp. Didn’t we make 14 brands new epic characters from the scratch that stayed on cp even when we left? Didn’t we farm for a +6 set. We left and we didn’t ask for anything. Making drama for a healer that wasn’t yours, demanding it to stay as a “cp property” and telling that all belongs to supreme leader Fortuna, comparing cp with my real life business. And as I told you, on my business I pay people to work, here we have fun. Who plays as a company? Who recruited half of the server on this cp, and why mostly everyone left? When priority of the people say that you are a selfish person, you have to stop and check if they might be right. We came on this server all together and we sticked all together. Didn’t just do random recruits all the time to fill the cp slots. Go bro, find some drivers like you admitted that, that is your plan. You know it, we know it also. 


    No bad feelings. : )


     Also, defining randoms.


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  4. More likely they are clan who jumps from private to private all together and having fun. Or they might be a clan from a dead off server (old bartz or shilien/zamen).

    Long ago I was on unholy elements clan. And we used to jump from server to server every 4/5 months to fight and get the glory.

  5. On 10/29/2018 at 3:07 PM, MoDoy said:

    rather than double xp weekends i would suggest part of events which was implemented on official, that you could take 2-3h buff from npc everyday for like 1-2 weeks which had xp incrementally increased over time (1st hour of buff was 10% xp boost, 2nd hour was 20% boost, 3rd hour was 30% boost)

    why suggesting this? instead of nolifing during 2 days every half a year because boost is 100%, this would promote daily playing and rewarding players for spending time in game every day, not log during weekend, make 1.6kkk xp on 60 lvl char in 2h and then just log off, coz you made xp worth of 2 months grinding

    Exactly this is the reason i stucked in off for 2 years. Daily instances, daily rewards, events all the time (even if it was pay to win most of the time).

    They would always come up with something new to keep you busy. This server needs more events, more happenings. I am here around a month and allready feel like its boring.

    Events won't harm the economy of the server or ruin the gameplay. Everything will find its way. Please act fast and don't just wait for ncwest to do mistakes.

  6. 1 hour ago, Black Sails said:

    I don`t really care about stun rates  but just my thoughts about you really think that  support class have to kill pure DD in 1v1 fight? 

    No mate, I have deflect arrow and heavy armor (even though 15lvl) just to look cool.

    it’s a bd not a prophet!

  7. I am bd lvl 71. In open field 1v1 I am getting wrecked from an archer lvl 68 cause of stun. I ll be really lucky if I ll reach him to makes some hits. Perma stun all the time. Do I have to wear Baium Toi 6 and orfen on this levels to reduce stun? : /

    • Thanks 1

  8. Yes, this time I am here to cry, rage and make some drama.

    Guys have you ever checked stun landing rate? 5/5 6/6 19/20 stun is always landing.

    No matter the class witch gonna stun you. Archer, spoil, warlord or even warcryer. Whoever gets the stun firsts, guess what, wins. 

    I don’t think this is normal. Have to give it a look. This thing becomes really annoying and feels unbalancing. : /

    • Thanks 1