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About Amkzul

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  1. Hell if @San0 put the right files in my hand id probably do it myself
  2. Hey there, I was wondering if there were plans to create a wiki data base similar to the EU officials or if any one happened to have a drop/spoil sniffer so I could drop the numbers into a spread sheet and share ofcourse.
  3. Nice! Assuming my isp ever comes back up I'll be taking advantage!
  4. Hi there and welcome to the server. I am a lvl 32 spoiler. Let me know if you ever decide to play a melee and I'll party with ya
  5. Well, welcome to the server. Like you I made the move from Aden. The server is entirely worth joining even years late. All it means is the economy is esablished and you dont have to fight for exp spots. Though you should probably not lump all brs into one neat package. IV met alot of decent ones
  6. My god. Had no clue a dwarf cpuld be so situationally useful.
  7. In terms of overall dps which class wins, warsmith or DA? Im thinking warsmith given he has the dps buff and can two hand blunt without much of an issue. What are your thoughts?
  8. Thanks! .... Though reading that makes me curious about the effect the patch will have on summoners. Would be kinda neat to play one if they are not gonna get dropped too easily by every class out there
  9. Amkzul


    I like the idea personally. Less stress on the servers and makes the idea of being an archer more appetizing to me. Right niw I will only play melee because I hate eunning to get my loot
  10. Where can I find patch notes for the next update?
  11. Cool so its clear that the Glad performs worse than the tyrant in pvp but which is better in Pve? Considering 90 percent of my time will be spent doing this
  12. I'm sure the arguement has been made somewhere but I just can't find it so I'll ask anyway. Which character should i play and why? They both have similar play styles though my understanding is until the gladiator gets a dash the tyrant is king. That said a tyrant last I checked does not get heavy armor mastery and b grade light armors last I checked suck out loud. That said I hope someone can sell one or the other to a noob because if its nit one of these two its wk as my main and I cant say im impressed by the damage output iv seen sitting around the silent valley
  13. Spent open beta to interlude as a th. Was some of the most fun iv had with this game. Pve was a bit lack luster without a decent over enchanted weapon and boss jewels. Aq was a must. And PvP it just boils down to luck on the small scale and if you do any large scale PvP just expect to die before you get on your target. Alot.
  14. I honestly love the grind. I find it really relaxing... Even if it stresses 90 percent of the clan leaders iv ever had out lol