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  1. You are dumb/sensitive person that cant read, arent you? 🙂 well let it be, i cannot answer to low iq person who just make up their own words and cannot answer propery. I hope my sh1ttalks didnt hurt your feelings and i hope u live long in ur imaginary world where everybody agrees with whatever you and other PVE lovers i have to say.
  2. Not as much as you and the other pve lovers that are trying prove to admins that they need to add better conditions for them on a server that is so much deep into PVE. I am not sure, but TI in their 7 (or 8?) years of existence wasnt so bad for so long time. As for me i log for oly only and since its suggestion topic for all kind of wishes then i wish oly 24/7 w/o limited matches, i hope admins will listen to me as much as they will listen to all your nonsenses aswell. Peace 🙂
  3. Again why u pretend that u are smart when you are not? Read this whole topic once again (even admins said same sh1t im telling you right now, but u are too dumb to understand) and u will see. Main topic question were answered by admins, then people (incuding you crying about MT's sh1t drop rate which is not coz after main drop rates was changed months ago, we were farming 8-10 MT's on average 2h farm TOI 11) started discussion about other stuff they dont like which is not why this topic was created about (You like to talk about other stuff? well make ur own topic and write there). So if other people can type other than this main topic stuff why cannot I? Who the fuk u are to tell me that i cannot write here about my opinnion why server is no good anymore (it wasnt me who started talk about boring primes or posting frapses i just reply to those talks, but again you didnt read all that or maybe you are from same side so u dont bite ur own species)? 😄 But fine lets stay to the "Your topic" why server is no good for new comers or people for 75+ levels. Club was always slow with the updates since the openning of TI (thats why there is meme Soon TM), but ppl back then were kept busy in other than PVE stuff so they didnt cried as much as now days cry babes (which have nothing else to do beside pve and they dont want to make pvp at any cost) including you now. Back in a days we had to come to spot and fight which lead to some days with 0 pve, but lots of fun at pvp so progres was way slower, but at least we knew why it is. And casuals randoms was not even close to the spots where main partys were farming so their progress were even slower. Now when you dont have to fight for anything and you have all top spots free for u even if you are casual playing few hours per day you will reach end game lvl pretty fast and then what? you dont want to fight, you want more pve, but pve is too hard and you want to access end game items/skills faster so you dont die to end game mobs? and you think getting all that easier will help you? For all your pve players B grade +6 items is way better and way easier to get/make than +0 A grade items so you have no rights to cry that you cannot run with dc/nm/mj sets coz they wont help you in your pves much. Whoever really wants those end game items, they have them.
  4. Have you read what admins said about this topic? Dont pretend you are smart which u dont. Admins already explained and answered everything about this topic so there is nothing else left just to answer to memers who tried bite. You dont like Dion go to fking TI its same pve content but with more areas to farm it. Admins opened this Dion server not for solo casuals like you so they dont need to add/change to anything every single randoms ask for. They mainly openned it coz oldies from TI who left that server long time ago wanted new fresh start, but yet again they left it and this time way too early (some of them left coz admins didnt listen them also even tho they had names and big expierence playing in club servers). So stfu this with your "nobody cares" coz you are the one about whose opinnion nobody cares here 🙂
  5. Before you open your mouth with possible lies like it never happened on what i said in previous post that you lost next two fights (also looks like we never had full pt in none of those 4 fights that day) which is not shown on your video, i post this one here. Indeed you made us quit with ur poor performence. 1 death from us on each of these fights and pussy ass tank player to bsoe first one on pvp. Next time delete ur streams and hope nobody will fraps it so you can lie that fights you lost never ever happened, but till then go hide in ur favela land. You were no name when server was alive and u till this day are no name.
  6. There were times SA prime had enough ppl to make 2 sides and with not only 1 cp in each one, but at that time and from what i see now also you cared only about 1 thing and that thing was how to free farm everything in SA prime and make pvp once per 2 weeks was enough for you (even then u skipped 2-3 sieges). You can cry how much u want that asia had zerg and blablabla, but asia wasnt playing in SA prime or they did? About what opportunites for new comers you are even talking. New people who comes to see server will not stay here even if u force them to play till 76+lvl just to fking hit more mobs later one. It is what only casuals do and you and your side are on same mentality level. If you get bored just make pvp happens in ur prime or quit game. I heard wow is also pve game but with active player base maybe you should try this game instead.
  7. After these 2 fights where it was 6 ppl on first and 8 ppl on second (yeah lol excuses) we came 9 ppl with proper setup and made 2 more fights in which im 99% sure nobody died and you never show up after that (ill ask if any of cp member by any chance have fraps of that and post here later, you are welcome to post those fights also if you dare, but we all know the answer kekw). Our cp alone was fighting ur meme side (siege/oly most of the time coz of time zone difference), and at that time we had castle most of the time, and 5-7 heroes all the months. We played here not coz of ur meme competition and quit also not coz of you. There was just no hope for competitive EU players to comeback and make server alive again and thats why cp quit. We didnt came here on forum to cry that we need more pve stuff so we dont get bored unlike you. But hey im happy that this one pvp made you so happy that u will show it to ur grandkids someday saying how cool you were. Cheers
  8. Seeing ppl crying over the PVE stuff just proves that server died 1 year ago when one of two EU sides quited (which made another eu side to quit also month later out of boredness and new options where to go to play). Server is alive as long as people have to fight with another people for spots/epics/etc daily and on their own primes. Sadly that is only EU people mentality and on this server it was seen through the most (with some smalls exception) history of existence. Maybe last 2-3 years it was case for Asia people on TI too, i dont know much since i quited that server long time ago, but i see some videos from time to time and even if it is 2 pt vs 2pt primes pvps it still pvps and not fully pve. BR prime is just difference, they have enough ppl to make two side even if it would be 2 maybe 3 pt vs same numbers (HR vs FC), but if you people really bored why not? But fuk no free farming on PVE stuff mucho better than actually PVPs so "we just gonna come to forum and cry that we need some special conditions on our PVE fiesta so it wouldnt be boring for us to log and make more of PVE".
  9. This answer makes no sense. Why server have to wait for more people to get only 79lv if the skills that you are talking about that will have huge affect for the game comes at lv 80? Then you should count those 20/30% of ppl who is already 79lvl and 100% so that increasing cap wont affect game that much and will not give advantage only for few groups of ppl. Because now i dont see any logic on what kind of difference it will make for 79lvl players if u add 80lvl cap and from those 20/30% of 79lv players only few will get lvl 80 the same day and rest of players that will be at 79lvl still will have to wait days/weeks/months (depends on double exp weekends and other events with extra exp bonuses) to get 80lv. Also why not to count not only how many ppl will reach 79lv (79lv and 100% to fair) but also classes and more specific those classes u were talking about that gets huge advantages like prp/sws/summoners/da's? I dont really care at this point when server will increase cap, but if this is the answer that server gave to the players why is not here yet, then make it when there will be enough of those classes that change the game at 79lv and 100%
  10. Some questions 1. What is the Hero skill reuse? Also one reuse for all skills or not? 2. Offline fishhing? Yes or No 3. Resist bonuses on sets added or not? 4. Exp on bosses back to old ones or just a bit increased? (doubt it will need to touch it at all, good as it is now) 5. Class change service will be added or not? 6. Tuesday pvp event will be added now or later? 7. Auction House with "legit enchnated items" yes or no?
  11. JzOo

    Blade cancer

    There are few masterwork servers that you should like where blade dancers gets all buff d/s and even rush skill, maybe you playing in wrong server? The name Classic says everything itself and i dont get this your crying all around forum. With or w/o those skills you are asking for bd still will be useless vs 90% classes and rest 10% will be problaly low gear players or boxes. Accept ur role as bd or change class
  12. brs couldnt manage to go above 50 pts on SE so asked guy joined eu to get hero ?
  13. Lets talk about WC/OL in different activities WC PVE: Its perfectly fine since u reach lv80 (great fury is op buff for farm and it also makes warcryers to be active to give bonus for ur party). WC Oly: As all other Fear CC classes wc is more than fine inside oly (with core/orfen) and it has more than fear skill that is OP, so if u know how to kite u can win even w/o fear vs most of the classes. I would say nerf chance or give big cd on fear skill of fear classes so f1 plebs would have to use more than 1 brain cell to play all those fear classes. WC PVP: 90% of wc/ol i saw in pvps have etze syndrom (i guess coz he is top OL in classic club history and made huge impact in many people eyes) and they use dmg drain till they run out of mana. This class is support class first of all and should work as support and check buff and rebuff when its needed and not only when u see some1 from ur party dies and need full rebuff ( and if u still have a lot of free time you can also check if ur party members miss some other classes buff like mental/resist shock etc and tell ur suports to rebuff it). Acu/ww/pdef/mdef most often lost buff in pvps vs IC/Banes thats need to be rebuffed asap to give more chances for ur party to survive. So if u concentrate on these tasks as WC ur party members will appreciate that more than hearing "oh fuk yeah i drained to death some box afk pleb". Also if after all these tasks thats need to be done you still will find free time and free mana to do some extras you can try Sleep/Fear (on puri only if u have menal epics coz it will decrease buff land rate to 60% after next patch). What i would add on this class in pvps maybe that u can trigger gf by using skills also not only by auto attacks, and yeah maybe give some lvls or power on aura sink skill coz its nice skill and i liked it when i was playing wc on H5 OL PVE: Fine if ur party aoeing (just dont spam all mana for debuff for one train xD) OL Oly: Same as wc this class more than fine inside oly, maybe what i would add there for this class is chance to get back mana by using skill dmg not only auto attacks as it is now. OL PVP: Same as wc you need to rebuff (mainly ww/acu/mdef/pdef) dont spend mana for other sh1t baff better use cp heal and if u are confident with ur deffensive stats and carrying some epics you can rush into enemies and spam some debuff just make sure which and when to use to not make it just waste of mp.
  14. well then after announcing that u can also put which side u are or you just a random that took hero with 10 macthes?