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Everything posted by Harall

  1. Yeah, I myself would REALLY like to just see you writing twice a week "we are still working, things are getting better". Think about this, it's like a dream for some users here
  2. He won't be able to read the forum, he said that he can't read russian so half of the post are unreadable for him. The other half are in spanish, brazilian, god know what language so if u know only english for example... go find another server. But don't worry I can do a quick summarize for u: everybody thinks that they language is the best and want to speak it freerly, if u don't agree u will be flooded by hate and won't even know that unless u use google translate. U won't find any admins update, only some short post about they work, that it is ongoing process. We don't know what they do, where they do this, how they do this, on what they do this, with who they do this and whats the results. And the rest of the forum is as usuall hate, flame and crying about beta/server/admins/world/wars/hunger/puberty. Please don't read the forum, if u like the idea of L2 classic, just forget about it, make a reminder in google calendar to remind you next month about checking if they make it. Gl
  3. ​So very very true, as Lineage 2 has always done ... but that won't feed Draqla's children. ​Then prepare some blood. ​Death by being eaten by Draqla childrens...
  4. Harall

    Subclass system

    Korean will upload expansion >> Russian will upload expansion >> 5 years later we will have it
  5. I really like this feature, pls don't change it
  6. This is working too: http://www.4shared.com/rar/u2kMTjjtce/Ertheia_kr_20140524.html NOTE: ​pls note I take no responsibility for what is in this package, it can be lethal to your system. I used it though and scaned with avast and antimalwere, it came clean, but still be carefull.
  7. Harall

    Economy Problem

    This... is THE FUNNIEST topic evah. Pls, keep going. But for real, this is free economy. U're making some wrong assumptions here, first u DON'T HAVE TO play as dwarf. U want to do this because u like it, I'm playing supp. Do I cry that I can't kill fly solo? Nope this is characteristic of my class. As a dwarf u must compete on the market, finding ways to minimalize u'r costs and maximize u'r profit. U clearly don't know how to do this. Ask yourself a question... how is this possible they sell ss so low and still can play, have money to make more? If u're so sure it's not possible then just wait, they will simply bankrupt and u will stand victourious. If they will still going... then u're doing smthing wrong, simple as that. Nobody care if u have problems with playing ur class, just change it or server. And no, nobody know u. GL&HF
  8. I myself have problems with ss and cash at 20x :D. So no for your idea. There will be people who will rush to max no matter what, they have time and motivation to do this. I have neither, rising prices on ss will be more troublesome for normal player like me than them. Hardcores will hardcore anyway and u can do nothing to stop them. True story.