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Everything posted by zein100

  1. dude .. go clean/kill some 5000+ shiiiit ''Monsters'' and leave you girlfriend to me i will care for here ...making her happy
  2. you need to understand I LOVE THIS GAME and hours of FARM but now hate it specially in 2019 .. people thing still worth it to be Zombies . .DON'T YOU SEE how ridiculous this is ? get of i am NOT turn my self in to Zombie again ...thats why i leave any server with no BOT allowed hahahaha they farming ....pathetic
  3. you need to understand I LOVE THIS GAME and hours of FARM but now hate it specially in 2019 .. people thing still worth it to be Zombies . .DON'T YOU SEE how ridiculous this is ? get of i am NOT turn my self in to Zombie again ...thats why i leave any server with no BOT allowed hahahaha they farming ....pathetic
  4. you need to understand I LOVE THIS GAME and hours of FARM but now hate it specially in 2019 .. people thing still worth it to be Zombies ..DON'T YOU SEE how ridiculous this is ? get of i am NOT turn my self in to Zombie again ...thats why i leave any server with no BOT allowed hahahaha they farming ....pathetic
  5. you need to understand I LOVE THIS GAME and hours of FARM but now hate it specially in 2019 .. people thing still worth it to be Zombies ..DON'T YOU SEE how ridiculous this is ? get of i am NOT turn my self in to Zombie again ...thats why i leave any server with no BOT allowed hahahaha they farming ....pathetic
  6. are you joking ??? if they ban 90 % of the players then you will play only 10 % players in ghost town server furder more why you will thing some one will farm for MERE coints in 6 hours in in 2019 ?? people have jobs and kids now ..wtf are you still 5 ????????
  7. ​What the fuck did I just read Dude It's as simple as P.atk + Skillpower + X2(Soulshots) X70-80(damage variation) + Critical Damage Steroids % + Static Critical damage(P.atk during a critical attack if any) + PvP P.atk Steroids / Enemy P.def and PvP P.def Steroids Final damage is multiplied by x2 (because every blow-type skill is a critical), and multiplied by x4 If It's a critical on critical blow. Now test It by yourself, get a calculator and apply this formula, then test It in game and you tell me. ​I'll tell you right away: skillpower does not get multiplied by soulshots, to that is some 80-90% dmg difference between your formula and actual mechanics right there. Also your formula lacks a lot of parentheses. ​Final damage gets multiplied by Soulshot. What parentheses? ​duble of any kind dmg if is ''skill'' or not ..thats why the weapond its blesse by soulshot ... get the logic ?
  8. consider that in pvp the LVL EXP of character have no right to effect the skills,but only the lvl of the skills....the LVL EXP its only a chance for better equitmens D,C,B..and further... and say that to admin NO THANKS I WILL NOT PLAYING LIKE THAT, ...have a nice day
  9. ​500 dmg mortow blow + 100 P.atk = 600 ? + Dagger Screamer(122 dmg) =722 dmg blow skill ?....but because Mortal blow says 500 dmg ...then will be 500 dmg ..no mater the P atk + weapons ....??? you mean this ?????.. if its so vs mages:: IT'S TRULY NO FAIR GAME.. typical pirate custom server :D.......
  10. Fucket ?..you really have no eyes to see my conters writes..and you dit not even see that they don't conters ither..cause they don't have nothing to say ?.who is fucket now ??..you poor boy...you need to dring a bit milk for your brain .if you have.ask your mam..or you dad...ups you are nexs fucket guy... ​look how everyone is not going to make a +1 to this shitty post u made , go away .. go back to these old days in interlude and keep playing there , this is too much hard for u kid ! Shoor I am kid...but lineage and all kind of PC games stuff ..that's not make you a dold guy ither ​u can be a man and u can play pc games , it dont makes u a kid ... go to school , learn some things and then u can talk .. ....deception..a man dont play games .. he fuck and fight .. he dont play pc games like deceptions weaker ...freaky moronly funny
  11. Fucket ?..you really have no eyes to see my conters writes..and you dit not even see that they don't conters ither..cause they don't have nothing to say ?.who is fucket now ??..you poor boy...you need to dring a bit milk for your brain .if you have.ask your mam..or you dad...ups you are nexs fucket guy... ​look how everyone is not going to make a +1 to this shitty post u made , go away .. go back to these old days in interlude and keep playing there , this is too much hard for u kid ! Shoor I am kid...but lineage and all kind of PC games stuff ..that's not make you a dold guy ither
  12. Fucket ?..you really have no eyes to see my conters writes..and you dit not even see that they don't conters ither..cause they don't have nothing to say ?.who is fucket now ??..you poor boy...you need to dring a bit milk for your brain .if you have.ask your mam..or you dad...ups you are nexs fucket guy...
  13. Thats it?...I was expectin more
  14. If you insult someone in English make sure you don't make any mistakes otherwise you sound like a massive tool. ​you speak from expirience I stand correct. It is "experience" btw. ​that you understand it is suspicious
  15. ​.if was like real life .. i will be the multiskill massive lvl then you .. and you will suc** the stick who you call ''staff'' because you say its stupid idea... you can listen you''creator like obedient zombie ..by the way i don't care much from the members ...zombies can not understand me
  16. ​...how long you can stay without any PC,lineage,technology ??..you can lie you mind es much as you like ,bot not you heart ..you will be like pet walking for bone..so i fell sorry two ....judge not when we are the same here....you wish me to proof you are not?? ..go play football and don't write here ... but i gees you will ......CLOSE ​I don't know what are you trying to say here but I was really sincere and honest when I was saying that people shouldn't try to bash you because of your ideas. So I don't know why are you attacking me? I don't know, maybe something has been lost in (Google) translation. ​yes sorry nervs days .....just your '' i fell sorry for you ''..was problem ...i was not see all of your comment corect..i was fast ..my sorry's
  17. If you insult someone in English make sure you don't make any mistakes otherwise you sound like a massive tool. ​you speak from expirience
  18. ​uuu.. you got me Sherlock...you make google proud...how sweet you litlee kiddy kiddy kiddy
  19. ​...how long you can stay without any PC,lineage,technology ??..you can lie you mind es much as you like ,bot not you heart ..you will be like pet walking for bone..so i fell sorry two ....judge not when we are the same here....you wish me to proof you are not?? ..go play football and don't write here ... but i gees you will ......CLOSE
  20. ​i love JB .. i dont like you
  21. ​who knows, maybe he speaks fluently, typing ain't the best ​..playing games that don't make you the '''best'''' chose for reproduction in the future ..cause its not enough Manly ..you get my point ?..got it ? ​Dude you're the best What's your native language btw? ​again i say..... only good speak from you mouth that not make you the ''best chose''(if you wish to be) but how you use your hands two(as a matter of speaking )..and right now they are in your dirty fat keyboard .. sorry i don't take advice from arrogante '''''SELFunknownWhereHe.is'''' guy........pfff awesome englich,you dont need nothing more,but keyboard and high nose....members like you two
  22. ah.....put that in you system.exe
  23. i thing i have that from draqla to remove GG DSETUP.dll
  24. ​who knows, maybe he speaks fluently, typing ain't the best ​..playing games that don't make you the '''best'''' chose for reproduction in the future ..cause its not enough Manly ..you get my point ?..got it ? ​Already reproduced. Unfortunately I don't play games where I can't be best. And no, I don't get your point in any single reply, as I suppose no one does. ... ..learn you kids not to write arogants like your topik....if you wish to be the ''best''