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Everything posted by zein100

  1. ​ ​principles ??principles is for the ''honors'' ...you blind you self...if you was old enough you will not topic trash vs me ... ges you trying to be interest for others ''members''.. if you was quite guy ''like cool''..that will be a princip...
  2. you are like the ''dum dum'' from '''night at the museum''''..movie
  3. ​who knows, maybe he speaks fluently, typing ain't the best ​..playing games that don't make you the '''best'''' chose for reproduction in the future ..cause its not enough Manly ..you get my point ?..got it ?
  4. ​Yeap, I agree. Usually you must pay for entertainment, but here we get clown for free. ;D ​i dont get it why peoples thing when they write like he is ''cool''..but no differen from ather jerks with keyboard and maus and asking they mother to buy some PC where they can write ''cool'''.......you little's jer'*s with small P****.............. A MEN'S
  5. go play with you toys,leave PC....oh what i say.. PC and toys make NO differet ...if you prefet to be a interesting MEN with this ....
  6. ​..cliche...many admins saying like that and now they playing alone in they server .....ok chao
  7. i need banana .. but i think you need to drink little more milk to grow up little bit ....ask you mam..
  8. ​ i can play you game .. did your mam buy some kine of PC ''seccond use'' with the last money she have,to write so richly ,,cous you are'' ..:)..dont make joks like that i have the same brain as your ''''...dont take it as insult
  9. ​no problem .. i say no more
  10. ​wrong ? really ??...if you live in REAL life L2 and some Ork and D.elf say ''i will teach you for free 2 class'' and you say ''its wrorg'' ? really ?....you will say its not real.!?...its not its systemly.. ..system ...system...ok i understaund ..have fun ​If you want to role play then... As a DE I'm better than some filthy orc so gtfo with your lame skills... and even if I would want to learn something from other Dark Elves the question would be, can I? I'm a warrior, I don't have talent nor any capability for magic. Elements don't want to listen to me, I have no control over them. I am supportive Bladedancer, I don't have SP(capability for learning) even for new dances, that needs a lot of time to master and a lot of effort to performe. I don't have time nor the will to learn any skills from other warriors, let them do their job, I have mine and I'm damn good in it. Soooo no, thx but u can take ur skills and put them u know where :). Here u have a reality and role playing. ​:). but you got my point .. that its oweys good to learn more and more with hard work....cous the hard work you make you winner .)... but you right .. some one is strong in one fokus ..not two( i thing)
  11. ​i treing to help you to be better then morron ..sort of
  12. ​systemly i agree ..ok
  13. ​push that feet keyboard further.. you seem to be more intelliget from others..coust you write much
  14. ​that you use some kine of PC games and pushin in to dirty feet keyboard and laut saying ''die you MutherFk'' in online .....thats make you a pretty grow man ither
  15. oh you know what i mean .. i bet you will beg if you have a real chance to learn more and more (in real life offcours).WITH .0.1x if you like (its supost to be hard).....but ye ..lec take this systemly only....but for me L2 its more then buch of rules and files !!...
  16. ​oh you know what i mean .. i bet you will beg if you have a real chance to learn more and more (in real life offcours).WITH .0.1x if you like (its supost to be hard).....but ye ..letc take this systemly only....but for me L2 its more then buch of ruls and files !!...
  17. ​wrong ? really ??...if you live in REAL life L2 and some Ork and D.elf say ''i will teach you for free 2 class'' and you say ''its wrorg'' ? really ?....you will say its not real.!?...its not its systemly.. ..system ...system...ok i understaund ..have fun
  18. ​U just need 1 "NO" and that will come from draqla without any doubts... ...hopefully soon that we can close is topic costomer its like bossSuporter if he wont to pay premium ...and respect must be earned.....​i can show you servers with good quality 7000 player+ ..with your that 'NO'' you can play alone ...have 3000 L2 servers more ..with this one is 3001 .. so dont be so impressiv with this ..'''america its already found and conquered ​see its pretty simple: This server is a classic server and features of classic are known. There isnt any private classic server out there thats why ppl coming to this one because they wanna play classic and dont care about the 3000 other servers. U wanna play something else...fine...so leave to a server who is made for and stop making dumb suggestions like this one. PS: A classic server with 7k players at the same time isnt playable because of the size of the map... ​system....systemly leanguich...okey but in real life you will wish to be better and better ..and if L2 was real.. you will say YES to me....but you mean systemly ... i undesrtaund
  19. ​system...you speak systemly ...in real life..you will wish to be better and better ..but you mean systemly .. i understaund ..
  20. ​U just need 1 "NO" and that will come from draqla without any doubts... ...hopefully soon that we can close is topic costomer its like bossSuporter if he wont to pay premium ...and respect must be earned.....​i can show you servers with good quality 7000 player+ ..with your that 'NO'' you can play alone ...have 3000 L2 servers more ..with this one is 3001 .. so dont be so impressiv with this ..'''america its already found and conquered
  21. ​if you say so ..keep that to your self ​Then why do you wrote this post on public forum you are really funny man... or rather pathetic one. ..i mean TNX for yout ''vote'' to say NO...but i need 200+ NO's...so keep that to your self pls
  22. ​if you say so ..keep that to your self
  23. ​...you can play 0.1 x if you wish... i care. not same for me ..i am low server fen !
  24. ..the old things will die if you not make something different ,,i thing