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Posts posted by Nagatocchi

  1. its blue gemstone, the item u get fro soulshots when you start a char,


    1.12 Deliberately use similar game items textures as well as nicknames to scam other players.

    ​someone has been a bad boy, so mister TyrienLannister gonna spend some time in the dungeons. Lets see if "the Lannisters always pay their debts" will apply here.

    ​Welp, he's at Gludio Now~

  2. Remember most of the really old quest (like that one) have a really vague description of what to do.

    Most of those quest doesnt even tell you the exact name of the monster/s that you need to kill, some other doesnt even tell where are those mobs exactly

    Old L2 was cryptic as fuck in quest terms~

  3. I Thinks its the way offline shops looks like

    Before the patchs was like a dark aura, now if you turn the offline shop ON, you end up being 2D

    So, dont worry, isnt a bug or something bad, just a "feature"

    BTW i almost choked when i saw it for first time lol

  4. Un par de días, dos o tres como muuucho.

    Anotate por el Clan Entry asi te acepto cuando esté subido, buscá "Argentos".

    ​Hola, muy buenas. Mi novia 22 años y yo 26 años queremos entrar en el mundo del l2 y estaríamos interesados en entrar a un clan de Argentina. Ella es argentina y yo soy español pero ambos vivimos en BsAs por lo que por temas de horarios nos vendría bien entrar en un clan como este. 

    Yo tengo años de experiencias en el juego, empecé a jugarlo en Gz C1 y estuve jugando varios años, mi novia es nuevita en el l2 pero ha jugado a otros mmorpg. No sabemos aún que clases nos haremos, pero básicamente las que nos parezcan que nos van a divertir más, probablemente un par de enanos yo crafter y ella spoiler.

    ¿Dónde nos anotamos para la lista de espera? Dices que nos anotemos por el clan entry pero no veo el link en ningún lado.


    Un saludo!

    ​Creo que se refiere al Clan Entry, dentro del mismo juego.

    Busca la parte clan en la interfaz y en el buscador de Clanes, Introduci el nombre del clan al que quieras unirte y ahí mismo vas a encontrar el botón para aplicar~

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  5. Yeah, 15 euro for private server... srsly? i Could pay 7-8 euro to show my support to project but not more. Even official games not demand 15 euro xD If you like to further insist on their own and bring to close of your server, then you are on the right track.

    ​You don't have to pay the 15€, it's just for premium features, otherwise it's free to play :)


    Guys, stop overreacting, you can just play for free

    if you guys dont wanna pay 15 EU for PA, its easy, dont do it and get a CP, clan or some friends. Thats part of the Classic experience too, jeez


    And, btw i think my only concern with the actual shop is the coins being tradeable, thats gonna ruin the economy so fast~

    I mean, you can just donate a lot of money, sell the coins for adena, and buy everything you need with that.