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Everything posted by telikas

  1. it should be implemented about summoners this shit : if you are on mounth (high lvl ) you cant use your own summon also need change summon control radius ..... cause it's impossible catch pk summoner who is on mounth and his summon attaking you....
  2. shots doesn't work from time to time or even doesnt work even pushing manualy need fix
  3. yes you working to turn them off (very good) . but till then you should stop this bullshit talk about ban people who is using macros to lvl up
  4. IT"S UNFAIR advantage you gve for summoners and giran sellers. if you won't letting farm using macros so what's point of keeping them? to let summoners create more SS? and sell more shit in GH? do it straightly :remove it or let it use it like it was supposed .