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jas58 last won the day on August 19 2015

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About jas58

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  • Birthday 04/20/1994

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  1. jas58


  2. jas58


    WTS: -Dark Elven Long Bow (B), cheap -BW Boots -sigel rune lvl 2 (cheap) -aeore rune lvl 1 (cheap) -PL Boots WTB: -SB: Stigma of Shillien -Recipes SSB/BSSC message me on forum or pm/send mail to "unpuntable or "jayWalker, ty
  3. ​true, but a little transparency and honesty would go a long way.
  4. ​Melcosoft website is not even on English WTF There's an English tab
  5. ​ yeah definitely look at the videos haha. I think it was meant to be this way, not 100% sure though since I have never played a true classic server. If you watch a L2 classic siege on youtube, you can find warlords in elven mithril robes (lol) for the extra mana to spam skills
  6. you need to be 13yearsold to play, sorry
  7. To all who are worried: roll EE for party recall
  8. ​Hahaha or when they opened catacombs, holy shit that was a train fest with daggers on all the chinese farmers hahaha Or when you enter in Classic, farm for 11 months to craft a B weapon and then dropping It your weapon just because a retard came with a train and then you'll emo quitt. ​You guys are fcking blinded by nostalgia. Dropping items Is one of the fcking worst things in L2 and It had to be fixed just because It made most of the players quit the game. One of the most frustating mechanics in the game. We should make a poll about this feature. i'm not going to disagree that dropping an item may be one of the worst things in l2. however, one of the best things in l2 is when you make bonds with clannies, friends, etc. who can help you in a time of misfortune. when an unfortunate event happens, your clan can be there for you and pool their adena/mats/whatever to help you replace that item. if you are unwilling to do this for others, then l2 classic may not be the right game for you. l2 classic is not meant to play solo, but rather with other people who you can party with. things like this encourages other's to find random parties if clannies/friends aren't on, and discourages boxes as well. it's also meant to be harder (hence 1/6x rates on official). by teaming up with others, not only are you safer, but create bonds with friends in case something like happens (which is rare).
  9. ​haha ok thanks! thinking about upgrading so just want to make sure that classic would run smoothly with it before i made the commitment ​about time.................. ​LOL. windows xp > all
  10. ​haha ok thanks! thinking about upgrading so just want to make sure that classic would run smoothly with it before i made the commitment
  11. any update/confirmation on this?
  12. ​nice! keep up the good work
  13. enough with custom suggestions. let the admins/gm get 100% functional retail server, then we can add on other things later.
  14. server is not dead, just other servers have opened and people are playing that. the truth is: classic 1.0 beta happened, people don't want to waste their time with 2.0, and are playing other servers. i am sure when an official date for live is announced a lot people will(may) join. also for beta 2.0, i am not sure if things have changed... but there needs to be some kind of npc shop, INCREASED adena rate so we can buy things, and maybe even some kind of npc buffer. this will expedite things, especially at the higher lvls. and do not think i am saying this is for 3x when it is live. this just makes it easier for testers so we can get this project moving