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Everything posted by iKabul

  1. so still max for official 1.0 is 60-62, not 75
  2. U cant get 75 in 1st update LOL, 60 is probably max, if u are really crazy and wanna kill bilions of blue mobs u can get maybe 62.
  3. Theres no such thing as SOLO in classic, forget about it. You can solo to MAYBE 35-40 max, then its like 1% per hour SOLO. Of course im talking about official rates, dont know exactly what will be rates here.
  4. Ja gram w tej chwili na RU classicu i mamy 30 osobowy klan int, pewnie tu zajrzymy, aczkolwiek skupiamy się raczej na grze na offie z wiadomych względów (żywotność priva). Gdy online spadnie poniżej 1000 na pewno wrócimy na RU Classica.