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About TheBest

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  1. PM me here. You can "TheBest ingame but sometimes i go afk. 1.3kk
  2. HapIo deleted the clan unfortunately. Good Luck with your clan
  3. There is Death's Deal Certificate in the shop
  4. I actually think it should drop more, it only drop like 1/5 the time and 1 item only lol.
  5. bump, i cant even verify
  6. Waiting for 5 mins and still no e-mail in inbox or spam
  7. TH with +12 dex and -12 str should be funny, will almost run like GM Speed 1
  8. Hahahaha, best advertisement out of the other six i've seen.
  9. Nick: TheBest 155-157 contacts
  11. TheBest

    Dual box ?

    lol there are so many bot programs