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Everything posted by Doug

  1. It's how people will see it, like it or not.
  2. So basically you are going to wait until patch 2.0 comes ( Until january or more ) to give some incentive to fresh starters? Its easier to wait for the other classic projects launch, instead of starting here.
  3. EXP boost until 40-45, make newcomers reach the middle game. It´s really simple.
  4. Patch 2.0 is made for 61+ toons, not level 20 newbies. Increase the XP until level 40 or something, make people reach the new patch faster, more fun for everyone.
  5. ​Or you can be a decent moderator and create a topic with capslock letters like this: KNOW BUGS: Soulshot Consumption - Wating for fix
  6. Akaste Skeleton Prefect and Akaste Skeleton Lord have the old speed yet. They are running almost at the same speed as me with wind walk 1. You can compare them with the other mobs around (much slower)
  7. Doug


    Server plans are to follow Innova? If they are, XP penalty on death has been changed there. Do it here also.
  8. Trading coins between players will fuck up the economy, in my opinion.
  9. Donations = Taxes. It's pretty simple. Even the GMs understand.
  10. Honestly, you think anyone will pay 15 euros for dual-boxing in a classic server? Jezz. Remove Blessed Scrolls. Lower PA to 5 euros. Not even innova will charge 15 Euros for their OFFICIAL FILES.
  11. Doug


    You should drop to 4%.
  12. Test again, on the new files. Maybe something they changed.
  13. OLs never buffed party members until Gracia Final came out.
  14. ​Sorry if that has been told before, but can you tell us what files you are running? ​ Discussion about l2j or l2off will always happen, most of the ppl dont even know what they talk about but becus their friend says it java they start believing its java or the oposite, also most of ppl only know the names and they have no idea what it really means, or the fact that there exist more platforms then those. Aslo now a days i still dont udnerstand why people cry so much about java files since theres some out there working rly good. Anyway, we are not running java and if ppl believes we are its cus they either didnt tryed it out lately, or becus they have no idea what they talk about. ​Sorry if that has been told before, but can you tell us what files you are running? off files, prolly same as innova's ​If they had innova's files, server would be bug-free. That is not the case, I think.
  15. ​Sorry if that has been told before, but can you tell us what files you are running?
  16. Doug


    Melhor buffer ativo é o WC, sem dúvidas.
  17. ​Let's just say that back then I could afford to pay for multiple subscriptions things have change greatly since then for me & for most people & now I can't do that anymore. ​Times have changed, like you said. Just adapt. Find a clan, make new friends, enjoy the game.
  18. Doug

    ruins of agony

    Are you kidding me? This bug was reported so many times and they never fixed. Good going.
  19. Staff should come clean with the players. There are still many bugs in game, how you are going to launch it by the end of this month?
  20. ​You guys are fixing the bugs on your own or just buying the fixes from others developers?