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Posts posted by weeeeD

  1. 3 hours ago, driver said:

    ofc you dont know, we even now stay in loa with 76-77 chars. just because its more profitable and when its our turn to farm 11 we go toi, u dont care about exp. but how can you know what is better if you stay in town.

    you just cant stop showing off how smart you are, btw your sarcasm is so weak.

    edit: btw read my last post again, you are losing argue and go rogue in other directions. im out

    Please teach me more about farm and profit, Mr. lvl 76-77 on a 3 year old server, 1 year into 2.0, playing here forever... Maybe if you didn't sell every char you level up every 6 months you could actually be a big boy 78+ by now? I mean, we had boxes higher than that and we were big slackers through most of the year. Most of us don't even play here anymore, what a confused mind you have... You wanna talk hugging gk, but that's so clueless that it hurts the eye reading it, maybe if you weren't permanently hiding PvEing you would know better.. Which reminds me that you had plenty chances to fight us in loa too as we also went in to have some fun with you but you always chose to party return and end prime when we were actually in front of you, so for a pussy you just post too much.

    sorry for our spam boyz. cya next week  

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  2. 1 hour ago, driver said:

    "forest here had 5h of prime, i played with him. there is no reason to have big primes here in endgame."

    2 times i started here with my friends with 12h prime, so we can get close to endgame and play a healthy prime of 3-4h.

    dont take my words out of context and dont switch topics. 

    Sorry, i didn't know the endgame of 2.0 was between 3w and sniper bridge, i apologize, Joker.

  3. 18 minutes ago, driver said:

    i critique pose already.

    forest here had 5h of prime, i played with him. there is no reason to have big primes here in endgame. btw, i remember him working at day and i dont think they will push it so hard. we cant even talk about them, they quit server. i dont think they invested full time for that sh1t of lilith.

    well ofc archer cp can be logged easy by 3 ppl.

    im here just to point out the bullsh1ters.

    Please, i'm the bullshiter ? Get a mirror so you can see yourself instead of projecting yourself on others, maybe you were not active enough to see what happened when you were off.. Forest farmed the entire day so many times in this server, aoeing loa from asian prime till end of eu (or until any war went in there and ended their prime), doesnt mean your full cp prime was 10h+ obviously, it is different. Even their twitch streams hit 10hours+ very often. That goes for both of his cps.

    Such a pointless talk. Talks about me quoting 1 clowny phrase from him while you enjoying arguing back and forth about one word i wrote.

    And if you cant understand why poseidon sounded cringy af saying all of that when his cp barelly fights (you literally beat them once and then they dodge you forever until you get bored of full PVE primes in a 3year old server), i'm not the one will keep here explaining why, most people know better.

  4. 9 minutes ago, driver said:

    stop guessing, dont think they have more then 6h prime. forget about many drivers  

    i dont understand why you read a big post but comment the least imporntant message where he makes a bluff call out that nobody pays attention to.

    6h full prime would already be 2 times more hardcore than any cp in this server, lets not even mention the possibility of forest and some others farming entire day right ?

    Always so white knightish for nothing, should take ur time to put some sense into poseidon instead.

  5. On 10/20/2018 at 2:29 PM, Amkzul said:

    And finally I assume there are american players here.

    Is a great server to play, their main proxy is great so ping shouldn't be an issue (other than the times the main proxy goes off for w/e reason..). But i'm not so sure about the above, unless many north americans tried official, quitted and moved here.

    There hasnt been many N. mericans in this server in a long time. America prime used to be 99% south americans

  6. 22 hours ago, MPiRi said:

    Every 3 or 6 months update that mean you cant catch the ppl who spend a lot of money for donate or ncstores.

    Was hard to understand this one. No updates means it is easier to catch up to donators? Why is that, they stop playing cuz they are bored and u have time to catch up?  

    Face it, no matter what l2 low rate server you play you are never catching up to donators no matter when they started. You can see the example in your own ally, people can buy their way into relevance on any l2 server.

  7. On 10/5/2018 at 2:04 PM, YipMan said:

    So it have almost same online like Dex had at its start .... shame it leasted about 4/5 months?? and after fall.

    Every server will have falls, of course it won't have full server for many months, will be a miracle if that happens.

    But now.... to compare that heavily bugged dex to an official server, only yipman is capable of.

  8. 13 hours ago, FryderykChopin said:

    Cya next year when NCsoft introduces the destruction scrolls in L2store ?

    PS: Giran has 2k online with boxes right now, literally on the first day. You should curb your ethusiasm while it doesn't hurt that much (or at least move to TI, it should last longer).

    I mean, it launched at 6 am or smth EU times  . It has 5k+ already and it isnt even EU prime yet.

    4 hours ago, pistolas said:

    2 cp clan wtf you faild make your big plan whit 1 strong clan 4 cps  ( one mage perks cp ) 

    To be fair it is close to impossible to recruit in this server, if people havent noticed the same parties trying to recruit to have complete CPs in the past 6months+... Find new cps in a 3yrs old server is an even bigger dream. At best you can disband a cp and send all leftovers to another cp..

    It's 8months pvping the same 1-2 parties over and over again cuz they are the only relevant ones with 8-9 players on EU prime (think that goes for both sides), and still not everyday. There are a few ones that pretend to be a CP and go toi with their zerg but tend to not even react on pvps unless they are surrounded by 30 allies (dunno if boxed or just suck. mb a mix of both). Boring, rly.

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