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Posts posted by weeeeD

  1. 2 hours ago, GODV said:

    In the chinese perspective, the server is not absolutely fair.

    Yes cuz if they were fair you'd have been banned year+ ago for all the cheat softwares you use.

    First video you ever posted: ghp/qhp software.

    Anyone who has competed for epics or toi against you: clearest radar ever, epic char with CHNPOP title would target us from c3 to outside of cruma even tho we hadn't shown up in a month

  2. 4 minutes ago, driver said:

    you dont compare murdering 1 person or 5?:) ofc, you can change rule for core players. who knows maybe without this guys there is no blue side. admins dont want this

    I can easily compare robbing a cookie and robbing a car.


    edit: about not having blue side, i guess half your side would quit server too. super fun "EU server" it would be.

  3. Kids, our side has had event crap, scrolls and other irrelevant stuff deleted too, char delvled etc,. Hi Isno, somehow thought about you ! Got nothing back, nor the items or xp.

    If you wanna be retards and compare any of that to baium rings and talismans, some lvl  3 qas, please go ahead, can't stop you.


  4. 2 minutes ago, MyrmidonAch said:

    He tried to sell QA ?

    QA waasnt obtained via CP efforts

    Come on what are you trying to do right now?

    I DONT HAVE SOMETHING TO GAIN because i dont play here anymore but i dont like people be hypocrite and especially when they are leading a project.

    I do think you're right to complain about that QA. But each case is different, it was not the same as here. 

  5. 1 minute ago, MyrmidonAch said:

    I am really curious if any living legend (except Rizo) took any delete items via this way..Its like cloaks from rabbits event..

    Don't make this just about RIzo. It was an entire clan farm, with ally effort, and you guys know it.

  6. 21 hours ago, driver said:

    edit: medusa, renewal. if you watch closer u can see the difference. but hey, if you are proud that you win when you have advantage it means we play it right. this post reminds me how vigi was proud to kill us when they had better boost and level.

    ahahahaha wtf is this, rip cp doesn't need such a bad lawyer. Niti + vifi had renewal and siren 2+ months ago and they are both here in this fight.  And that was before the event that threw "free" tablets to everyone, now their cp has at least +balance life and who knows what else....... There is also v4siukas with stun blast (iaxzp too, maybe? i don't remember).. But ofc none of that (or the $$tupidly overgeared rip cp) counts, lets just nitpick what NF had :D:D... 

    You win some, you lose some, it's part of the game, get off your high horse.

    ps: If the medusa you're crying was that one at ~0:42, it landed on nobody, maybe even got cancelled (altho it looks like the WL hit comes before the dance). :(

    ps2: You have people in your own cp uploading video where you needed 6mins to win a pvp 6 parties vs 4 parties... wanna go give him an even better speech about being proud of uploading such thing where enemies look better ? I guess not? You should just let people upload whatever they want.

    • Haha 1
  7. :D

    Keep following and commenting on dajgoro's channel. 

    #1 on youtube, straight from Ireland with the top Kurwa accent and the highest malakas count per minute

    • Haha 2

  8. 2 hours ago, Pendragon said:

    We didnt make any deals either, for baium or cs.

    Unluckily for you, we know you guys and your pathetic 69 request mails better than this (as in.. we've received plenty from biz and kiam in the past). But i know they also try to hide their deals to look better to their own members (sounds pathetic but it is what it is, they think that is part being a good leader i guess). Truth is always much uglier of course.

  9. 13 hours ago, Pendragon said:

    ??? :D

    "When will you admit that you gave it and that you said you'd never come back? And that biz wouldn't come back either?  We were not alone in the meeting. You even said that WS wouldn't come back and that we should create a new side"


    Google, hire me, need a job, ty.

  10. 1 hour ago, f0restw0w said:

    in this fight my pt have 70lvl + 72 necr, 72 BD + 75 new bishop lukstas . you can see we cant use control ( stan and debuffs OL ) but gf


    Is not my party, dont care much, but yes gf :)