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Everything posted by 2pence

  1. with what I remember in retail c1 gladiator was what forced ahead in 1v1 pvp.
  2. yea +16 made a straight swap when someone else had got it on +5 for +5 spear and over about 6months put all the other scrolls on, you are precisely right in saying crazy, I won't be over enchanting in Classic game.
  3. yea me, I played. Prophet Gonzo with a +16 Damascus, incidentally there was only 2 or 3 on the teon, I know 1 of the other 2 was owned Mazul leader of the clan what had Aden castle. Other toon was willemnearia. I vaguely remember you!!!
  4. I don't mind if US players come over to the EU server, full pop server is good for trade, parties, friends and fun. I'm pretty sure US players will be in abundance and I look forward to meeting you guys ingame. ?
  5. good luck with when peeps and roll on Euro server ?
  6. I started playing L2 with a Bishop and I could swim it to the main land.
  7. 2pence


    having to have a life at this time of life sux
  8. I nearly joked but it wasn't funny so I deleted the comment. I'm good like that ?
  9. If I remember rightly in original C1 launch beta players kept their toon but the last beta test before doing so was all normal xp and drops
  10. yea me bishop. I remember a few names, uzul , dione, golden, hibiki, billabong a few who IC I know more but need to think.