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Posts posted by Trample

  1. its simple why everyone talks about update, its the 1 % of players who are actualy almost in the stage they need something else, then theres the 30 % who want update to have easyer life on drops and adena farming tho they keep using everything else specialy sieges as na excuse, and then theres the 20 % who cry about update becus they ran out of other stuff to cry about.

    as for me, im still ok with this as it is for at least one more month, still far from beeing on max level possible in here or better gear possible, and im not delusional thinking im ready for sieges so, as long as it will come decently, i dont mind w8ing for another month and half or something around this.

    im pretty sure most of this ppl crying about the update are players runing around in karmian/theca/compo clean and some wtv low c grade weapon clean, on like level 45 to 50 and they think they are capped.

    • Like 4

  2. that`s the thing this is not innova, bot protection is not that hard, actually even if traders come in - the trades themselves are not so hard to follow and check - ppl getting 1kk in an instant ? How come? 
    The project is just like any other server - if the money will be an excuse to put anything up for donation and ruin the game you should`ve said so from the start. Bad managment is not an excuse. Even if you are buying the files with a good server, you can get enough money to support it don`t act stupid please. 
    As i said cosmetic things are just a part of what you can have in the shop it will bring something in ofc you can`t rely on that only. You can have a lot of other things if you can`t really figure out what exactly or someone is lazy enough to do this - check the other l2 servers. 
    There are a thousands of servers and they all have donation - some a pure pvp and you can donate for items - i hope this won`t come here. And then there are other normal ones where you just donate for things that support the server- colorfull title or a nicnkame- again cosmetic thing. 
    There are a lot of stuff that can be implemented.  I know that everyone make a l2 server so they can make money out of it but please take your time and you`ll have enough money for a longer period of time than a big amount for a shorter period. Or just make a PVP server and use that for whatever crazy donation ideas you may have.
    You want to be close to retail and at the same time you`ll do pretty much anything that`ll bring money. Since we`re on the money topic- when will we have the 1.5 update? I love it how you just pick somethign small out of the whole post. I`m not here to do anyones job - pay me i`ll help but i don`t think that`s needed. Even if you(the staff) make sam rash decisions you do try to consider our opinion - class change poll for example. It should`ve been the poll first and the decisions after that but still you could and still can just do whatever you want. So another thing i`m interested in is if the poll results will mean something.

    ​i think you are just an idiot with a lot of free time, lot of stuff to say. and few clues of what you talk about.

  3. its funny how if the admins decide to add something new everyone comes and buhbuhbuh this is not classic feature buhbuhbuh. and then theres polls to remove features that are actualy part of classic

    i still think this is just all cry baby effect and ppl is thinking that remove scrolls will change something.

    still on my opinion do not remove anything, just add some restrictions to it, like increased prices, sell only couple per day on npcs (like limited items) make then useable only in floran or some sort of stuff like this.

    as ozone said, i think the old quest would be too expensive atm for this kind of gameplay and there are no food for the pet.

  4. It is easier there for 1 simple reason - the rate is x1 and you`re moving according to your level - that means gear, mobs, drops, time you spent in a hunting zone and adena you get per kill. Plus the 1.5 update that ppl say helps with adena. Most of the private servers make the same mistake - anything above x1 is not balanced atm you`re storming trough the hunting levels and zones and the actual adena you get is ~x1,4/1,6 or close to that. 
    Example - if on retail you get 50a for killing mob X  @ x1 , @ x3 here you`ll need to get 150a per mob but you don`t, yet you level faster. 
    Tinkering with the rates is annoying and dangerous as it may lead to overlooking something and create a chance for someone to get filthy rich pretty easily - missing a reward, quest, mob or smth that needs to be done one at a time.  So getting the 1.5 update asap will be nice.
    The team makes mistakes but tries to fix them and listen to the community and that is the major difference between retail and here - no one cares about you on retail- they need your money. If nothing changes here it`ll become like that - we care for donations not for our players or the server-  looking at the forum the team is trying or at least showing some effort to change things - hopefully that is sincere and will help us enjoy a better server and not make us leave.

    ​if all the time you spend talking you would spend playing you would be level over 9000 brah!

    • Like 2

  5. once again i think people just makes a fuk ton of mess for something so minimal...
    i think most of you are only looking at it from your point of view and not seeing the bigger picture, as na exemple ill give you 3 of my friends who were allways gladiator fans but decided to do something diferente here, they made 2 dagers and a tank, 2 months later they decided they wanted to go back to gladiator and they ended up quiting cus no one wanted to level second char from 0 when they were already level 45+. this is their chance to come back to server and most likely they will since they can just get the chars they had and made them gladiator as they wanted to roll into.


    second exemple, you are the prophet of a CP that for some reason stops playing and you are left alone, with a damn PP. well now this ppl have the chance to turn that PP char where they invested so much time into something more confurtable for him.


    third exemple, you are a good player but you have a swordsinger, theres a good CP who you would like to join looking for a bd imnstead of sws, now you can change your char to bd and join that CP and have more fun without having to waste another month making a char from scratch and eventual loosing the CP slot while doing it.


    and the list goes on and on, try to stand away from the painting and see the bigger picture guys. is not so bad as you guys are making it, i would say its even good and you guys are just not understanding it completely.


    about the fact you can pay only in euros, nothing against it, this way ppl wont abuse on it and if they do they give Money to server so all fine.

  6. Hi everyone!, Yes there is another NA/EU clan recruiting ;)

    We are DwarvenMafia and we're looking for only english speaking NA/EU players. We are mainly East Coast NA currently, and are trying to unite the English speakers on the server.... we want those big castles.

    If youre interested try using the ingame application process.... or just pm me on "Tackle", or some of the other members: "Mafioso", "Deezbuffs", "Fiery"

    We use teamspeak and all that jazz... or just message me on the forums

    ​well, we went to l2classic eu

    but innova sux, no service, no real bots being banned, etc etc

    so we are back ( 2 players).

    we started all over, cuz our last chars were transferred into pkers haha.

    ill pm some of the names above, my nickname is slammers ;)

    ​first of many, let first month subscription finish and there will be many ppl like you comming back.

    lot of ppl tried to warn everyone who said they would leave to innova cus of the pink dream server, well, seams the dream is not so pink afterall :)

    • Like 1

  7. i also think theres about 1k - 1.2k ppl on server, maybe a bit more in prime times on weekends and stuff.

    on higher levels ppl might feel a bit more empty but around 30 to 40 theres a lot of people runing around.

    we laos have a big problm that is from my understanding we have lots of ppl from eastern countries and lots of ppl from americas, so theres a big gap on GMTs so maybe thats also making it feel like less ppl.


    about the admins, nothing to point til now. ofc we can allways say that some bugs could have been fixed earlier and stuff but i believe they did what they could.

    about innova.. blaaaaaaghhhh!!!  i tryed to warn the ppl that was crying here about bots that it would be same sh1t there, but no one wanted to listen so... now you can see the fóruns there.. and i dont think server got hurted by innova opening. i do believe it got a bit hurted when innova announce open on 15th. and some ppl stoped here w8ing for it and then they delayed and ppl didnt came back stayed just w8ing for it to open. but i dont think it hurted the server that much.

    if something hurted the server was the party problema at the beggining, but anyway, now all fixed and all good to go. and i still believe after first subscriptions on innova start finishing we gonna get some more players. people aready started selling their accounts there. and russians already smacking everyones faces xD so not long til lot of ppl quit from there.

  8. woot, they leveled up, post started as botters, now they are already botters and donators...

    tomorrow they will be botters donators exploiters hackers cheaters and some other stuff.


    anyway i dont understand whats all the fuss about, admins said already before in other topics they dont ban people unless they are sure its a bot, so if they didnt got banned til now cus of this, they will not get banned cus of this anymore. and to be honest from a side who has nothing to do with that clan or party or even a factor clan on server, to me that vídeo prooves sh1t...

  9. all this rage is bad for your health brah!!!

    if only that would transform into something in game... but sadly most of ppl can only bla bla and cry on the damn fórum and when it comes the time for actions... well.. they die and make a vídeo about it trying to get ppl banned...


    thinking all this ppl say they played so long on retail and they still get so touched by the bot using...

  10. sadly i dont have the time to play hardcore as i did before so in here im just with couple of friends going slowly and enjoying when we have time for it.

    but its quite sad for me to see when there is like 50 clan with 15 to 20 ppl just running around messy when you could have like 8 or 9 big organized clans making strong aliances and actualy fighting for the stuff.

    people could just get together more, instead of having every single persons wnating to be their own clan leader. just group up in a bigger and more active clan, it will be easyer for party finding, and funnier later for clan wars and stuff.

  11. new tatics, if you cant beat them, try to ban them...


    im not saying they dont use bot cus i dont know if they do or not, but i dont think that vídeo actualy prooves the usage of a bot even becouz you can have a macro with target and assist with short delays and just have to press macros every like 30 or 40 seconds. anyway.

    i think you guys should worry more about lvling your chars to try to fight this ppl in game, instead of trying to get everyone banned and then later complain that server is dead and theres no high level players to have fun with.

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  12. atm moment theres one thing anoying me more on the server than the bots, and thats the ppl crying about bots all fukin day long...

    you guys need to get your asses out of your perfect bubble world you live in and look around to see what the real world is now.

    the bots will stay there, the bots will allways be farming, someone will allways find another programs working, or old programs will get updated and work again, just fukin deal with it.


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  13. i dont think DV is a ghost town, i just left like 10 minutes ago from there on those zones near entrance in a party and there was about 3 or 4 more parties around, dunno how it is on deeper zones, but at least on the zones near entrance is quite alive. and same goes for forgoten temple, a friend started 2 days ago and he was comenting that he went there in a party and they had to stay in a side room cus the main ones were all taken.

  14. When everyone doubted they could give us a decente server without lags or that they would even ever open it... they put out a really good and stable server with very decente online.

    When everyone complained about the bots and some even argued they didnt care about botting on the server, they put out a really decente anti bot system.

    And after all the cries from all the haters that said that party system would never be fixed... up yours sukers, cus once again this admin team shows they know what they doing and party system is there rocking.


    so to all of what you achieved til now congrats. and for all of it Thank you. for spending your days and nights working to give us one very decente server.

    Cant w8 for the future and to see all you guys have prepared for us.

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  15. dont bother, people will allways find something else to complain even after the party will be fixed something else will show up.

    about the antibot Synextasia you can stop being so cool how it got cracked so fast etc. you know very well thats how it goes almost everywhere. antibot comes up, guys crack it, antibot updates, guys crack it and so on, its a cycle that goes over and over and over again.

    you guys are so eager to complain about something that every god damn topic now a days becomes ruined with someone fukin it up with bulshit posts. the guy came asking for something he got is answer from admins, problm solved everything pretty. but no.. someone had to come and mess up with buls crap.



  16. Forget about the adena sellers. Focus on the thing that its done. This server become PAY2WIN. Server got greed for money. 

    I was fighting bots with u, i was fighting adena sellers with u, i was fighting with u with the players making rumors about server dying or crying about no 9/9 pt.
    Done it all coz of feeling this server may be good soon, no bots, no pay to win. That was my only fear, that this server will become like all other. It just did with this auction system.
    I felt bad that u can get various item from donation, but still the items were not that decent, i felt like ill live with that. 
    Lets be honest, i'm not donator type. I never spend a cent on, a game and ill not spend it still, and most reason is that in my country euro is counted x5 from our currency, and we make like 10 coins per hour, so when someone spend cash from 1 hour of job in real life in game, i would spend in game 5 hour of my work in real. Theres no euro at my country, so paying for game is very expensive. Still i honor donators who spend money so the server can be alive, and they need to get for that smthing in game, but i cannot accept if this is making them stronger than players that dont spend money in game at all, coz they cant.

    Now u can buy things in game for real money, this is sick. Ppl spending cash for game ill get full items in just a blink of their wallets, and ill be farming for this sht out of me in 3months. Not.

    50% commision? I understand administration "its for server reasons" but i believe that there on server ill valuable items appear just to make real money. I dont want to accuse anyone, but this will gonna happen.

    I was very patient, i accept many things, theres 1 thing i cannot accept. Pay2win, all should be equal, give little things for paying ppl, but dont make them stronger. 

    I dont know if someone agree with me, but i feel sad of spending 1 month of everyday playing to be forced of leave by such stupid thing like this auction system is. I had good feelings about this server.


    ​look at it the other way around. you can be the one making Money from it. imagine you go kill a boss and you get a item you dont need you can just sell it and get couple of extra bucks in your pocket.