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Posts posted by Trample

  1. i have nothing against ppl wanting to go to play in innova server, its everyone's choice, the only thing that pisses me is the ones that acording to them already quited this server long ago cus its so bad and so terrible, but instead of just getting tha fuk out, they keep comming here everyday to drop their garbage on the fórum. if you dont want to play here its your choice, no one forces you to stay, but just let the ones who want to play, do it in peace without having to read all the trash talk everyday.

    ppl still playing here its either ppl who enjoy it (fully functional or not) and believe on the server and believe stuff will get fixed and will have fun here. the ones who left, good ridance and good luck where ever you go. but if you left, or if you dont want to play here, then just dont spit garbage all over.

    • Like 6

  2. well, it has its good points and bad points, the main good point to me is that it might be a way to fight against the gold trading companies, since i believe most of the players would prefer to buy stuff with the server itself making the deal then with some wtv random person. even if the % they get might be a bit high, it might pay off by security.

    it might also increase a bit the will of players to play more actively, since lets face 1.0 doesnt have much late game contente, so now players have a reason to stick around and do something usefull while w8ing for the update.

    and ofc, in the world we leave in, having a chance of getting some extra bucks by playing a computer game, i believe it sounds good for everyone

  3. if you are willing to pay over 1k bucks, any game is pay to win now a days. and to be honest if you go on pvp against that person and he stays alive for more then 5 seconds, its because your party is not doing a very good job

    so much cry because ONE guy who is prolly not even in the group of higher level chars in the game, and who is known for beeing one of top donators and top enchanters got ONE weapon to +16, i cant even understand. and he has the gif there with the in game stuff, cant imagine how it would be if the bow would just appear from nowhere

  4. you guys should use more often the search button about this player, thats a guy who donated over 1k bucks in first weeks just to sell cols and buy wtv that fuk he  wanted, god knows how much more he donated after that, so considering he is the one having more Money its not a coincidence he was the first gettingn a OEd weapon, its just a fact that he was the one trying it more often

    keep trying to do the same and eventual you will get there also, if you lucky

    • Like 1

  5. you guys are just plain dumb if you believe first admins would have anything to do with this, and second if they would, they would not make a +16 weapon that everyone can see lol

    the guy broke already like 10 bows going on OE this time he got lucky

  6. ¿Alguien realmente cree que si este se molestó / influenciado por admin en ninguna manera, yo demostrar que fuera, o lo haría el pasado 15 de atraer la atención, en serio?

    ​if it were not true that an admin would be devoted to ban those who accuse you? and not to ban the bots?

    ​or maybe you were one of the many ppl in town saying bulsh1t about admins and thats why you got fuked brah!




    back to topic: my brah ipku you, you are either a crazy fuker and or lucky fuker or prolly bit of both. even with tons of Money in the pocket i dont think i would have the sack go over the +9/+10  :) gratz anyway.

  7. I just ban the admin to edit san0 by telling ipku not even one minute late, it shows that you are friends.this all full of bots and autoclickers admin server and the day passed off ipku?

    ​force strong very good, yoda no understand can you what say? you?

  8. Cool , alot of member from the big clan there will go on Offi in 2 week. And btw like some said this alliance is vs who already? Pride humm ok .. what u will do in 2 week when pride will go on Offi ?? Hunt ppl in cruma :) Gl to not be bored ^^

    ​you are a perfect exemple of the kind of ppl that should just shut tha hell up when they dont have anything to say.

    back to topic. grats for the boss guys. despising all the haters and retards there are still people who is here to stay and have all the fun they can.

  9. damn, i almost belived you brah. but that auto target reaction... another 'inocente bot'... you guys could at least just shut up and pay the sh1t and continue on playing like nothing ever happened, but no, you insist in making a huge drama lama on the fórum to get fuked at the end of so much crying :)

  10. im not quite sure but if they kept 1.0 drop i believe you guys actualy had good drops  :)

    i know they increased it in future updates on ru classic to force ppl to fight more for this bosses like core aq and orfen before they added the epic jewels, for it to be more worth it. so i cannot asure you its normal because i dont know if they kept it as 1.0 or if they made some changes.

  11. if its on normal chat or shout or trade, they dont rly need bot to do it. either way, its very hard to stop those ones... they are those fukin cockroaches that you kill one and you think you are done and next day on same place you have like 10 more, and the cicle repeats.

  12. not quite sure on what level you guys are playing atm or in what server you playing but about 2 days ago we had close from 2 hours of pvp/pk for a good spot in ant nest. if you guys are rushed on level and are a bit ahead of the rest of comunity is normal you cant find any pvp for spots.

  13. If you are submitting report via Forum w/o any vids etc, out staff have to check them themselves because they can't know what was happening when you was watching those players. And at the time bot hunter went to check this character, he was not botting so Moder's answer is as it is.

    But. Since you was there you could record the video proving he is botting (ingame camera tool can be used for it), upload the vid and send via ticket with the rest of info as it says here

    This way, if it's obvious botting and we don't need any more investigations, the player would be banned.


    ​i have a choice.

    either i spend my time grinding, or i spend my time making video's.

    if i choose the last option, ill will that in some kind of own company so i make some money with the video's.


    imo there are a lot of players who are 'adventurer' and dont get banned.

    ​i feel you bro, those 30 seconds you would waste... geez. would make you milions if you would make a company based on that...

    amazing how on those 3 hours long you were there, you didnt have 30 or 40 seconds to record a vídeo but then i see you around the fórum saying cow crap all day long, what about using that time to open your own cow crap company also? would make you more Money then the video company you would make in 30 seconds.

    • Like 1

  14. i for one, got sick of innova. servers allways come down to the same, if you have a couple extra bucks in the pocket you gonna get the op shirt, and the talisman, and the extra vit pots and the extra enchant box and the extra of the extra... fuk that. If i have to give Money to someone i prefer giving it to this guys then to a company that already milked their community for so long.

    also a lot of ppl i play with are from the americas, what by default makes it not a option for me cus i dont want to leave this pwople i play with for so long just becus that beloved Money milker company decided to not let them play on their servers.

    + the bots. its like in here you see the bots from time to time, but u also see the ban lists at end of the day filled with everything and everyone what means that at least they try to metigate the problm, on innova servers it takes 3 months til someone gets banned for botting and till then you are making a quest and next to you theres 100 ponys with names that go from 11111100 to 11111200 ksing, killing, piking drops, its a fukin madness.

    also the rates are a bit more confurtable for the time i have available to play.

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