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About Spidee

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  1. You buy 1 premium acc and then you can log 2 box
  2. Spidee

    Dual box

    Another topic. Stop create new. link link2 = LOCKED
  3. I thought, it would from start. But it is not. it is useless now make it not trade/sell. Much of undermines the economy, but the server has at least more money. It is like to sell adena in donate for someone
  4. Maybe good to make announce for players after login, because how I know, too many people not know about this function.... But that must do a server administrators
  5. Hello, what about add rule for party matching? Becouse here is lot of people spamming with sell items instead of looking for party. Then there have to scroll through the menus sale and not search party. It's very annoying.
  6. Disable all antivirus and other background running apps. Delete your system folder, install UPDATER, and check all files. Delete L2Tower and other bots... Also dealt in this TOPIC.
  7. Disable all antivirus and other background running apps. Delete your system folder, install UPDATER, and check all files. Delete L2Tower and other bots...
  8. ​ouh... so how do you become the best on the server? ​
  9. Spidee

    Dual box ?

    Why all want play dual? It is better play only one main class and find party ... greater enjoyment of the game and etc.. looking for party tool, in classic is implement? needless to pull behind another char ...
  10. Spidee

    Vaše nicky

    Napište se zde kdo tu bude hrát Nick - Char Například: Spidee - SWS Ať vytvoříme CZ/SK komunitu
  11. Spidee

    CZ/SK clan

    October 24th 2015 - 19:00 CEST! to už si počkám