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Posts posted by DoritosGk

  1. Eso no es problema de proxy, el proxy simplemente elimina el lag/delay por el ping. En mi caso, todas las proxys son iguales en terminos de lag, todas dicen "Heavy". Aunque ninguna me pasa nada como a AristO. Puedes probar check files en el updater. (Es la misma respuesta que le da el administrador a todos los problemas den el foro, por lo que se ve)

  2. And what happened when in the official they implemented the certs? Nobody knew about it and people had the subclasses they wanted and deleted them later on. = More gametime.

    Play what you like, like if you know nothing about the game. That's how I'm going to play :D

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  3. I'd like to know what are the differences between Classic and other chronicles, per say Interlude or H5. As I'm guessing, it's like old C1 with GoD+ interface, Am I right?

    If so, how about skills, level cap, equipment, pretty much everything.

    Sorry for the questions, I was waiting for the project like 6 moths ago and just saw some advertising and just: woah, it's about to open O.o