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Everything posted by Yolanda

  1. On skill write. 1000 power added to p atck , and deal 100 dmg, so if p atck increased should increased the dmg that is official right ?
  2. Already i did this when i had my private server c6 anyway ,admins dont care for my suggestion ,i dont care either
  3. ​ anyway read my suggestion and thing about it , have a nice day
  4. ​u got it? hope so , u are calling ppl nonskilled players but u didnt known that .. u are the nonskilled player , kiddo stay in ur cave ! ​ check this video trash and then talk to me trash that is mistake of NC retarded Devs propaply ENJOY
  5. BALANCE ON KOREAN SERVERS HAHA dagger + shield low dagger EXTREME damage ENJOYYYY
  6. ​ only u undestand me 1 guy of 238482 in this forum ...
  7. Except dagger every melee/archer do more damage if they increase their p.atk (STR). if this is true then i m ok i dont care if only 1 class is different but i dont wanna all classes skills be uselles
  8. No1 of u undestand what i say in my topic Imagine mages while they increase their magic attack to deal same damage with each skill , like that are the fighter skillsz now even a rabbit can undestand what i mean QQ
  9. ​ Well i say my opinion about Fighters Classes to be balanced and have a fair gameplay Soon u will see topics about daggers dmg and gladys Give me test char and i will explain u better what i mean :)
  10. ​ unskilled ppl like u say the same worrds anyway i will create dagger and with NO GRADE DAGGER + full def buff + CON - STR no berz and we will see who is skilled and who is not PPL like u unskilled destoy this game have fun!!
  11. ​ SO U MEAN BALANCE FOR U DEPENDS ON LVL? HAHAHAH go for tetris then ONLY skilled ppl can undestand what i MEAN
  12. ​ damage of skills is not based on p atck , increase your p atck and check the dmg of skills are the same with lower p atck
  13. Yolanda

    Mob Bug

    Well while i farm i see one mob start running away when had some % left , its a script starting message normal they runn away and after some sec stop and attack again but in server they run away and then stop and i kill them without attack to me ! here is a photo to check them ! i was farm here bfr some days this happend only today ! http://s27.postimg.org/fjh1rt9b5/image.png
  14. Monsters have clans in Data base if excure is not in the same clan like porta then its not attack
  15. Fighters SKILLS Damage must be ANALOGIC like Mages EXAMPLE : IF A DAGGER HAVE 100 p atck deal with skill 500 dmg if he increase his p atck the dmg of his skills increased As mages does... One mage deals Skills Damage based on their m atck BALANCE : If skills damage deal the same damage with 100 p atck or 21342 their is no reason to buy TOP weapons and play p atck and now Daggers and gladys skill classes become op BCS they Build FULL p def bcs they have STANDAR damages !!! IF DAMAGE OF THEIR SKILLS IS ANALOGIC SO IF THEY WANNA INCREASE THEIR DMG MUST PLAY P ATCK BUILD AND BUFFS and buy top weapons dagger deal same dmg with 1 No grade dagger with skills and they same dmg with a B top so no reason to farm WEAPON Suggestion from old burn player 25 y. o , thanks Dagger skill dmg increased only by critical buff or any critical boost and that is bad for balance