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About l2testor

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  1. l2testor


    Could you just delete system folder and replace it with running Updater ? Looks like some of system files was corrupted
  2. If I remember right, soulshots for noobies works only up to 15 lvl
  3. HI. When I play with wine version Wine 1.7.53 I got sometimes same effect. It was fixed by relogining. After upgrading to Wine 1.7.55 I didn't remember that freeze and screen blinking. Regards, l2testor
  4. Rates will be 20x for testing period (Open Beta Test) and after a while we got wipe and live x3
  5. Just read some info about classic Terms of Use tattoosBaseline characteristics can be increased only 15 units.In the game there are ink for tattoos for 1 and 2 of the profession.The characters who received the first profession may apply 2 tattoos. The characters who received the second profession, can cause 3 tattoos.Tattoos for the characters in the second and third class, to change the basic characteristics of the INT, WIT, and SPIRIT have restrictions on the classes that can use them.https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=ru&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fl2central.info%2Fclassic%2FТатуировки&sandbox=1 so you could draw three tattoos than: +4str -5dex +4str -5dex +4str -5dex and got that +12str -15dex. And If you will wear Plated leather set with +4str -1con, you will got +16str than.