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About K1lla

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 12/02/1988

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  1. WTB Reinforced Longbow PM/Mail/reply here IG nick: K1lla
  2. useless post. Bots ruined all good servers, l2 sux nowadays. I just left the server because i can't keep up with so many botters. If you guys like this bot fest have fun, I'm out.Peace!
  3. I reported them once with uploaded videos on a site. I guess the videos weren't downloaded to watch so i post them again (with youtube video) Please do not check them if there's already a video with 100% proof they botting. If one player is hitting the botter's target before him and that piece of shit botter auto-swtich his target ... means he's a bot 100% and i see no reason to check them again because the way you do (porting them and see if they keep targetting) is wrong. If that player is on PC he will control manually his char and disable the bot ofcourse. Here are the videos again: 1) EBASHnaOK & mikky botting => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DT-eO3_Mt8 by double-checking mikky resulted still botting and banned but EBASHnaOK was on PC ofc and wasn't banned => http://lineage2classic.com/forum/index.php?/topic/4417-2-bots-video-proof/ I demand to ban EBASHnaOK right now, you can see the 100% bot proof video 2) DDpwnz botting => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0dIFEj6PmA by double-checking DDpwnz resulted not botting coz he was on PC and controled char => http://lineage2classic.com/forum/index.php?/topic/4415-bot-video-proof/ Ban this piece of shit also coz there you have a 100% bot video proof 3) Specialist, M1tras, jloBuKpuTok (weren't banned) because ofc they were on PC http://lineage2classic.com/forum/index.php?/topic/4484-full-party-of-bots/ Ban these 3 guys , it is not my report but i noticed this guy uploaded also a 100% video proof of botting,maybe more players do that , i can't check all bot report threads. The idea is to stop this thing with double-checking when you have a 100% bot video proof,just insta-ban
  4. get rekt botters. this is not another 1 month private server where admins close eyes because you are top player or donator
  5. ​such a bullshit sir ​Well i know this feature from official, i don't know if is the same here,,,it must be
  6. ​And what about if i kill flagged people ? Now i will get pvp or pks? So if i make 500 PVP, i will lose more karma from the deaths? ​You will get pvps if you kill flagged ppl, indeed you'll lose more karma from the deaths.
  7. As much pvps you have, when you die being red as much karma you will lose. For eg. if you have 0 pvps you'll lose less karma by dieing than having 50+ pvps
  8. K1lla

    WTB Top D Bow

    not anymore /Closed
  9. K1lla

    max acc/IP

    make max 10 acc created / IP so maybe you can stop this bot fest or server is going to die
  10. try via skype: san0.classic/koll.classic/kse.classic
  11. They said PA acc doesn't count as box so try to log first the normal account and then the PA acc, reply if works
  12. K1lla

    add Top LVL stats

    because i like to see top players list
  13. Add to stats: Top 100 lvl players if is possible, would be so nice
  14. K1lla

    WTB COL = 2k each

    bought all i needed. thx for your interest /Closed