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Posts posted by kWolF

  1. Monster will stop follow if you are too far from him or you relog or someone else hit. But when you do trains you will never go "out of range" cause you do trains. Because if this 1 guy can actually make unlimited monster trains. Already saw in few spot people doing 50+ monster trains and they keep following no matter what.


    There was a reason why monster pull range was added. Now people exploit this and get insane exp.



    Archers will do the same shjt after 46 lvl when they got burst shot. They will make trains too.


    Because of it, meele classes like tyrants/daggers/summoners will hurt a lot!



  2. One guy said that one guy said to him that one guy told him that the sky is falling. We all started to run. 
    On the serious matter. No such thing exist. You hear other people drops, range is quite big. You can not see target because of the terrain levels OR (in very particular cases) because of terrain objects that will be visually seen only on later updates. But drop does not "hide".

    ​"you hear other people drop". so then explain why this happens when I am alone in zone^^

  3. I can't count how many times I hear that monster dropped something more than adena, but visually you see only adena on ground. At first I wasn't sure about it, but today I got completely sure that there is either sound or drop bug. I quite often heard sounds of similar to leather/recipe/iron ore drops, but on ground all you can see is adena.

    One guy gave me an idea, maybe some drop are actually dropping under textures? At first I thought there was no way of this getting happened, but on other hand, all loot from monsters are not dropping in same spot and I went to farm a little bit in wastelands. Very often in the place where are no kill, rock, tree or any other object just pure field I was getting message "cannot see target".

    Kinda confused...

  4. ​More lies from a desperate noob in Fate? Go ahead and report us, im waiting for the ban......... Oh wait, aint botting. Go ahead and post everything, show me your fraps and everything.. oh wait you dont have anything

    how did i ''take'' money from people? it's a clan, we work together to get clan lvls and clan skills.. You know.. that thing called team play.. rofl.

    plat thinks he took a member from us by recruitign you? lolll you were never in Exiles hahaha. keep crying babe

    ​Sorry I am not in clan any at the moment, there is no point to join, so don't spit shjt here :) Oh wait, you already expelled people 4 people from clan 3 days ago cause "they did not wanted give you adena". And don't say you didn't cause you were happy on teamspeak when 1 guy was angry about it.

    Btw, there is no point to report at this moment. Please keep playing, I will be happy later ;) Cya.

  5. ​This post is so lame....miserable person.

    Btw clan is lvl 2 and full, we have exp skill... dont know where this hate comes from and why. Platinumdragon used to spit on this classic project since day 1. And now he is leading clan here. And yes, he acts like 12y old.

    ​I love you too. Btw, Is Striker happy with botting?


    P.S. Sorry for thrash talking. I just could not skip this topic.

  6. What? Hahaha i dont mandate playtime LOL. Nobody left my clan hahaha. Were full.. ??? Keep lying little random :)

    Look who is talking. The guy who took money from people and leveled up "his" clan and exp skill :)


    Or even better maybe I should give admins information they need to ban you and some your fellows for botting? I have SSs, some fraps even TS recordings how you and your close friends are botting here.

  7. This is early server stage, and no one wants:

    - waste time on finding something around Lineage 2 world;

    - no one wants waste ADENA on teleports to find your "spooky" npc and what ever;

    - event at this early stage should be available for everyone without losing time/adena.


    Conclusion: Your "spooky" event is just simple Hide & Seek event which is not fun at all! Event must be rewarding, not punishing people in participating. Pumpkins event matches your "halloween" theme much better than "hide & seek". Pumpkins event will let us continue farming and receive some admins love <3



  8. Explain a little bit more please fora begginer like me

    ​like someone said, monster derby is a place where you can teleport for free from any town. by this way, if you trade you dont need waste adena for teleports or time bt running from town to town. You just teleport to monster derby track for free. And when you leave monster derby, you will be teleported back to same town you were.