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About Melenios

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  1. Good you seem to be well-prepared definitely gonna join you np playing any class needed for the cps
  2. Hey its been 4 days since the beta start and i see many improvements is it too early to ask for the official opening date ? and if not a specific date answer in how many days-weeks around ?
  3. Will there be a possibility for drop,spoil info at the box under a mobs hp where u see their passives, and maybe other info too like its hp,attack dmg,speed etc ??
  4. Melenios

    Psaxnw CP!!

    Skeftomai na peksw mage class h kapion summoner....apo mage logika sps h an peksw summner dark elf summoner an endiaferete kapios na mpw sto cp tou na grapsei apo katw...eimai active k gnwrizw poly kala l2 exw empeiria apo to palio c1 prepei na exei 10 xronia +...afta
  5. Will we have a beta test before grand opening?? and i was wondering around when will the patch become available (i hope english patch will be an option)