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Everything posted by Tjoerie

  1. Tjoerie


    Testen sowieso, maar vooral om te kijken hoelang het nog duurt
  2. Tjoerie


    Ben zelf ook bang dat de kans dat innova uberhaupt een server opzet groter is dan dat deze server 100% goed werkt... Er zijn echt nog veel issues, ze werken er wel hard aan hoor, maar het blijft gewoon een emulated classic.
  3. Tjoerie


    Ik heb geen idee, ik wacht rustig af en kijk de forums gewoon elke dag een keertje
  4. I understand your frustrations but you're getting way to attached.
  5. You can get 4 accounts running with 2 premium and 2 PC's in the same house if 4 accounts is what you want. No one ever said anything about 4 accounts on 1 computer.
  6. Tjoerie

    IG names

    Tjoerie Obviously
  7. Is er dan niemand die dat heeft getest nog in de beta :D? (ik niet iig lvl 24 maximaal geworden :P)
  8. ​But how will it be when beta went out? Ah? The same situation? People stealing other's site, selling the things 1 adena below just to screw the others vendors... There are a LOT of bad people, and that situation only makes the economy destroy itself... ​Why is selling less then others a crime? Thats marketing... If your the lowest, you most likely sell first. There is nothing wrong with that. You are only screwing others if the way you obtained those items is through bugs/exploids or scams.
  9. If someone wants to sell for 10, he should sell for 10. Its a free economy. But take into concideration it is BETA
  10. Tjoerie


    Ik zit soms te kijken naar wat L2 Classic Streams en dan zie ik mensen met 2 volledige bars vol met macro's. Waar gebruiken hun / jullie macro's vooral voor?
  11. Tjoerie

    Free teleports

    ​Really? So playing for a full month ~4-6 hours per day to get lvl 40 will not be a waste of your time? ​Just why are you here? Do you want to have fun, enjoy playing a game or do you rather bash people at the forum? If so, take another forum please ​I'm staying behind my argument, as far as it looks like, you two have picked the wrong server, go read up what a Lineage 2 Classic is. And probably you should go to another forum in this case? As far as I can tell, you wouldn't last for a week in a Classic environment, and if you really think that free teleport is going to ease your game and make it so much more fun, then you are so wrong. Gotta ask you the same question, why are you here, if you are not up for a Classic experience? ​Again, that's why this is a suggestion topic. No one gives a fuck if you or I make it or not in a classic environment. We have different opinions, and that's good. But i'm done taking your negative posts Enjoy your stay. I made my suggestions.
  12. Tjoerie

    Free teleports

    ​This is open beta, we are talking about suggestions for the live version, not the open beta.
  13. Tjoerie

    Free teleports

    ​Really? So playing for a full month ~4-6 hours per day to get lvl 40 will not be a waste of your time? ​Just why are you here? Do you want to have fun, enjoy playing a game or do you rather bash people at the forum? If so, take another forum please
  14. Tjoerie

    Free teleports

    In my opinion there is a big difference in free items and teleports. Everyone is here to play the oldschool game, but trying to make it even better then official. As OP stated, these are suggestions. Don't go around telling people go do this go do that. Everyone can feel the negative energy in your posts, no need for that.
  15. Tjoerie

    Free teleports

    ​Then go to Hi5 or some other private. ​Pretty useless reply, its not like H5's only change is free teleports :p...
  16. ​do u pay ur energy bills? or even dont u care about ur PCs health? ​Or do you care about environmental health? The outside world! Nature.
  17. Tjoerie

    Free teleports

    As a frequent Private server player. It's sometimes hard to decide wether a server is worth playing. Most of the time I visit giran, but if its a low rate server, you dont want to grind to lvl 20-25 before you can go to giran. With Free teleports on lower levels only, new players can see this server is populated or not so they can make a right decision if they want to play here.
  18. Tjoerie

    Free teleports

    ​I don't think OP is talking about OBT only. Read carefully.
  19. Tjoerie

    Free teleports

    I like the way classic makes the game very hard but I do agree that there is not much fun in walking. The suggestion for a lower cost (or no cost) at lower levels does appeal to me. One extra thing: I like playing with my friends, the lower or no teleportation costs makes it way more fun and easier for all races to start together as a team in the town of your choice!
  20. Tjoerie


    De bugs zitten hem vooral in quests, NPCs en skills die niet helemaal functioneren. Buiten dat loopt alles vrij soepel, ik heb geen last van lag of wat dan ook.
  21. ​Volgens mij is dat waar idd (niet 100% zeker though). Alle B grade ingame is drop only. En dual swords droppen niet van mobs. ​B grade drop only? Wat is er gebeurd met craften?
  22. Tjoerie


    ​Kom deze post zojuist tegen. Dus ik denk dat we nog wel even kunnen wachten
  23. Tjoerie


    Al hoewel ik bugs en alles natuurlijk niet echt chill vind, denk ik dat ze op een gegeven moment gewoon moeten starten. En wat je zegt, al spelende de bugs eruit halen, ik denk dat ze al heel veel vinden in de beta.
  24. ​Waar heb je die info vandaan? Ik kan nergens enige ETA vinden van wat dan ook. Alleen speculaties van een 2 weken duur.
  25. Tjoerie


    Vrij Casual, ben geen 16 meer... Hoop wel alsnog dat we rap gewoon aan de slag kunnen. Weet momenteel echt niet wat voor game ik moet spelen in mijn vrije tijd behalve CS:GO...