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Everything posted by Tjoerie

  1. Tjoerie


    Mijn verwachtingen waren ook wel een beetje hoog vrees ik. Maar dat is ook omdat ik super graag weer op een low rate server wilde spelen en moeite wil doen om iets te bereiken. Toch hoop ik dat we lekker snel kunnen knallen!
  2. Tjoerie


    Ben ik de enige die vrij teleurgesteld is met de status van de server? De hoeveelheid bugs en slechte instellingen zijn echt groots. En dan te bedenken dat de eerste launch 15 mei was... Ik ben erg benieuwd of ze het überhaupt allemaal recht kunnen trekken gezien de schaal van problemen. Ben benieuwd naar jullie meningen hierover!
  3. I cant quote for you, but they said open beta will be for about 2 weeks.
  4. Tjoerie


    Heb je je ID en je Email geprobeerd als username?
  5. Tjoerie


    ​Dat werkte vroeger ook al (zeg 7-8 jaar geleden met private servers) en het werkt ook met aardig wat andere games.
  6. Tjoerie

    RL Picture Thread

    Your eighter crazy, looking for insane attention or a male trying to be a female OR! a female that wants to get on the television show Catfish.
  7. 4 hours and 55 minutes! That is.. if the login servers dont crash!
  8. ​Nope, If you find a way to dualbox, its fine (2 computers for instance). But it should not give the player some kind of advantage! But in the end, your better off with paying 5 dollar then paying your electricity bills and screwing over the environment even more.
  9. Tjoerie


    Ik heb echt zin in de struggle, eindelijk weer belachelijk veel moeite doen om alles te krijgen in plaats van binnen 2 weken een +6 Draconic bow te hebben gecraft en dan stoppen met spelen...
  10. Tjoerie


    We are going to need some premium accounts to afford that kind of money! I'm getting one!
  11. Tjoerie


    Surveillance and Banning is great. I'm not a great fan of the "one warning policy" they have in place right now. It's pretty obvious that botting is not allowed, I would use a zero tolerance approach to botters. It's not like, robbing your first bank will be sentenced with a warning.
  12. Tjoerie


    But can't you just program your bot to avoid these Campion monsters?
  13. Tjoerie


    This looks like a pretty cool gameplay feature to me as well. Let's parties have an extra challenge (if they want). There should be some way to despawn them as well (so you dont get 1500 "Champion" mobs in 1 place). Let's say a timer or an amount in a certain area. Not a stupid idea if you ask me! Every idea to get rid of bots is a great idea imo.
  14. Warcryer waarschijnlijk, maar nog niet 100% zeker of ik em main of een box ervan maak. Altijd al een buffer willen zijn en daadwerkelijk usefull zijn ipv vervangen worden door een dualbox...
  15. I'm going to support the server through the premium account. But I think there could also be a donation option for people who want to donate without a reward.
  16. One can never be to old for a LAN, its not about the LAN its about friendship I hope that none of us will be friendless when we get older
  17. Well, I'm starting out the day of the launch with 8-9 people on a lan party in my house I think I got atleast some!
  18. Can we get a Dutch section in the Foreign language section?! I would like to meet some Dutch people who are going to play here!
  19. Is there an English list of features, or will it be released before the server starts? I cant find anything good about what's in classic and what's not.
  20. I wonder... First of all im not sure if Classic allows the upgrade of wolves and hatchlings. And second to that, if it doesn't support this (yet, maybe in 2.0), what's the use of pets...? From my Experience, they dont do that much damage and do cost you money.
  21. If the Price of the premium account isnt that high, it might be cheaper (and more effective) to pay for the premium account than to run 2 computers. Pay the server, save the planet and enjoy gaming!
  22. Tjoerie

    1 question ;D

    Maybe you get gatekeeper tokens in the beginning, but we will only know that for sure when the beta goes life.