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Posts posted by MarcoIgnacio

  1. A medida que vas subiendo de nivel y subis la skill pasiva de polero, el angulo de ataque se hace wider. Al comienzo es un rango muy malo. Yo juego desde cronica 1 y mi recuerdo es que el rango era minimo. Si el classic se basa en su mayoria c1 no me parece que este mal.

    Ahora no compares este Classic con otros porque siempre hacen lo mismo. "En tal classic blabla en otro classic podia blabla", pero cada server esta rateado diferente. Porque lo hacías en otro server no quiere decir que sea lo correcto o que así tenga que ser siempre. Todo cambia! :(

  2. No, being serious. You didnt exactly used any external tool (bot) but you was indeed "booting". Making your boxes do automatic things is not cool, is not playing. You may have 4 boxes but all of those need to be manually operated. Otherwise is still a bot using external program or not.

    Try for once playing with one account and with people. Is also fun! You should give it a try.


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  3. I have also played classic as a dagger and this skill was only activated in 40+.

    So what If you played another one when you had access to this feature in 20+? This server seems to be fixed at 40+ so you should deal with it. You will expend 1 month under 40 and the rest of the server with this skill. Maybe its not a big deal.

  4. Just to make sure.
    Download client from torrent and download updater again.
    Once you installed everything, check that L2 folder is not on "Read only". You can see that in properties.

    You can also check for that now, before downloading everything again.




  5. Would be a mistake.
    Such as motivating will also be stressing for other players and will end leaving seeing the lvl diference


    Exactly. Imagin seeing some random ukranian guy level 38 full d. That would be like damn fuk this sh1t. Lol. 

  6. And this is how it becomes P2W :).  3k per one thats about 1,665,000 adena or top D grade weapon (if I am not mistaken on D grade weapon pricing). 50 more EUs and he will be in top D grade armor/weapon.

    Actually not bad, I might do same :).

    I don't think he will sale all of those. 

  7. Oka obliv!!! pero en mi clan somos todos gays, así q si sos gay podés entrar :x :P jaja, na, más q nada te comento, somos 13 personas aprox, amigos personalmente la mayoría, y buscamos éso precisamente, pasarla bien, conocer más gente piola y divertirnos, quizás no seamos los más limados pero me parece q vamos bastante encaminados con la CP, viciar, pero no dejar las responsabilidades de lado obviamente, en lo personal, tengo login de 6 a 12 horas diarias 9_9, pero mientras tengamos login a la noche tipo 21hs en adelante bárbaro!!! :D saludos!!! atte LoD.-

    ​No dejar las responsabilidades de lado y tengo login de 6 a 12 horas diarias, en una misma oración.

    Muy fuerte!! Jaja.